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He'Brew Jewbelation Eighteen

Brewer: Shmaltz Brewing Company
Style: Barley Wine / Wheat Wine / Rye Wine
Alcohol Content: 12.4%
Seasonal: Series

Our 10th annual tribute to extreme beer: Jewbelation 18 was indeed brewed with 18 malts and 18 hops and finally dropped to a "sessionable" 12.4% abv so we can sell to all our states. This year’s monster emerges as a big, big juicy dessert of a beer with rich sweet blasts of chocolate and mocha with layers of dark fruit notes of black cherry, date and fig. More like a port or sherry - hints of what might come from barrel aging - but this year just from the enormous amount of malt, piles of hops and the 8 weeks of fermentation and aging that brought our 18th anniversary creation to life. If your "sessions" include sharing precious ounces of huge beers with good friends and family, grab one now, save one for later, and enjoy!

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