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Lovejoys Enns River Stout

Brewer: Lovejoys Tap Room & Brewery
Style: Stout
Alcohol Content: 6.25%
Seasonal: Special

Enns River Stout is a newer Lovejoy's recipe. It received such a great response the first time we brewed it that we have decided to make it a part of our regular line-up of beers. This beer is closer to a black stout than a brown stout. A little higher percentage of roast malt is used to give it a deep, dark color. Hop bitterness is quite low, but not absent, complementing the roast and chocolate flavors. A slight warming sensation can be perceived due to a higher alcohol content. We named this beer in honor of Saint Florian, patron saint of brewers, barrel-makers, firefighters, chimney sweeps, and soap-boilers, amongst other things. Florian was a member of the Roman army that was flayed and drowned in the Enns River for his admission of Christianity in 304 AD. It is said that Florian once put out a whole town fire by throwing a single barrel of water on it! On a lighter note, the Enns River is also a natural divider between upper and lower Austria

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