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Oskar Blues Beerito

Brewer: Oskar Blues Brewery (Monster Beverage Corp)
Style: Amber Lager - International / Vienna
Alcohol Content: 4.5%
Seasonal: No

From its uncanny name to its unique mouthfeel (and everything in between), Beerito rolled up the rulebook and took a blowtorch to it. That’s exactly why we dig it. Beerito is a light bodied, amber Mexican lager brewed with premium international and coloRADo-sourced craft malts, featuring a crisp accent from noble hops. The mouthfeel is thick, creamy and incredibly smooth with flavors of walnut, toasted bread, plum, honey and cocoa- 4.5% ABV beers don’t usually come with this kind of character, but this sure as hell does (4.5% ABV, 21 IBUs).

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