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Adam's Apple Cider

Brewer: John Martin
Style: Apple Cider
Alcohol Content: 6%
Seasonal: No

The apple is accused of creating the original discord in life. With Adam’s Apple Cider, universal reconciliation, men and women, young and old, in pre-apple harmony… This strong, dry cider, 100% natural and cottage-industry fermented, has 6% degree of alcohol, and maintains a sweetness so appreciated by genuine cider lovers. Adam’s Apple is the champagne of the pubs, usually served in tulip glasses - rather than mugs. Because of its authenticity, Belgian connoisseurs have been able to appreciate it at its true worth. Its new image invites you back to the original temptation. Adam’s Apple is not resting on its laurels and continues to develop its congenial image through a series of original, dynamic and tailor-made advertising and PR campaigns.

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