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Meantime Wheat Grand Cru

Brewer: Meantime Brewing (Asahi)
Style: Weissbier - Hefeweizen
Alcohol Content: 6.3%
Seasonal: No

Only available in bottle. NOTE: This is not the same beer as the draught Meantime Wheat or the bottled Sainsburys Bavarian Style Wheat Beer. German brewers have a saying about wheat beers: “Weiss Bier - Sheiss Bier.” which needs no translation. This is not because they don’t like it, but because it is one of the most difficult and temperamental beers to brew, with the pronounced toffee and banana notes all coming from its special yeast; not from added spices as in Belgian wheat beers A cloudy, golden-orange beer with a moderately dense white head displaying a mixed combination of banana, fruit, bubblegum, spice and zesty aromas and flavours, all created, in true Bavarian wheat beer style, by the use of a unique yeast strain that brings out the true character of the wheat malt used in the brew.

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