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Samuel Adams Bohemian Pilsner

Brewer: Boston Beer Company
Style: Pilsener - Bohemian / Czech
Alcohol Content: 5%
Seasonal: No

Pilsen, which is located in the Western Bohemian region of the Czech Republic, is the home of the pilsner style of lager. Paler in color and generous in hopping, the pilsner was a new taste sensation in the late 19th century. Samuel Adams® Bohemian Pilsner follows in the tradition of these groundbreaking brews by going back to the future. Pale two-row pilsner-style malt blended with Harrington and Metcalfe pale malts give the beer a rich, golden color and clean malt finish. The spicy, citrus notes of the Noble Saaz hops gives the beer a sharp, smooth finish.

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