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Bullfrog McMinns Hop Harvest

Brewer: Bullfrog Brewery
Style: IPA
Alcohol Content: N/A
Seasonal: Autumn

Ah, it,s that time of year again...Hop Harvest! Thanks to local legends Doug and Mary McMinn we were able to pick enough fresh hops to season this new annual treat. Hazy amber in color with a wonderful aroma of fresh Cascade and Chinook hops lightly balanced with a fruity maltiness to boot. Just over 15 lbs. of fresh, wet hops are suspended in the serving tank soaking in the beer, this will cause the beer to evolve becoming more hoppy over the next two weeks. Although this is a hoppy brew, its smooth, creamy and fresh with most of the hops contributing more to its aroma and flavor and less towards its bitterness. THANX DOUG!

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