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Nørrebro Momme Dampøl

Brewer: Nørrebro Bryghus (Royal Unibrew)
Style: California Common / Steam Beer
Alcohol Content: 5.5%
Seasonal: Special

Momme Dampøl is brewed to celebrate "Industrikultåret 2007" (the year of industrial culture). Hence it is inspired by the brewing industry's transformation from handicraft to industry, from the top fermented hvidtøl (table beer) and skibsøl to the dark, bottom fermented Bavarian beer styles, so this beer is a hybrid between these. The name is a hommage to judge C. L. Momme, who was the first to install steam engines in a Danish brewery. Both the aroma and flavor of this dark beer is pronounced smoky, fruity, and malty. The mouthfeel is strong, bitterness medium, and the after taste spicy and smoked.

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