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Little Creatures Pale Ale

Brewer: Little Creatures Brewing Australia (Lion Co. - Kirin Holdings)
Style: Pale Ale - Australian / New Zealand
Alcohol Content: 5.2%
Seasonal: No

We love our Pale Ale. Many of us from the brewery have made pilgrimages around the world in search of great varieties of this wonderful style. Surprisingly, there are no great secrets to brewing this type of ale but there are most definitely no great shortcuts. Bag loads of Cascade and Galaxy whole hop flowers that we source direct from hop growers in Victoria, Tassie and the US are thrown at this beer, creating an intense citrus and grapefruit aroma and flavour that we balance with a careful selection of specialty malts and a local pale malt made to our own specifications. Preservative and additive free our Pale Ale is live-yeast conditioned in bottles and kegs for unmatched freshness and character. From brewing to release, a batch of pale ale takes about six weeks, allowing for two weeks conditioning in the bottle after packaging. No artificial additives are included, just great ingredients. Pour it into a glass to enjoy it at its best! The beer’s character is driven by the use of fresh whole hop flowers. Hop Flowers are carefuly selected that are bursting with aroma and contain all the essential oils and acids that deliver an uniqe flavour experience. Drink a few pints of this beer and you’ll soon become one of us…a certified "hophead" craving those crisp citrus flavours of grapefruit and passionfruit and maybe a bit of honey, all backed up with a good balance of bitterness. If you’re wondering what on earth malt or hops actually are then click on the two hop characters to the left and find out more. It’s not just the hops that make Little Creatures Pale Ale what it is though. Selected malts are kilned in small batches to our specifications and are used exlusively in our pale ale. Two different yeasts are used to both ferment and bottle condition the beer. The latest technology and equipment is used to maintain absolute quality control and one of the main ingredients in the pale ale has got to be the amount of passion that it takes to produce a seriously good beer...we live for it! From brewing to release, a batch of pale ale takes about six weeks, allowing for two weeks conditioning in the bottle after packaging. No artificial preservatives or additives are included, just great ingredients.

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