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FiftyFifty Trifecta Belgian Style Tripel

Brewer: FiftyFifty Brewing Company
Style: Tripel
Alcohol Content: 11%
Seasonal: No

There are hundreds of Trappist Monasteries in the world, many of them make fruitcake. This beer is not made by Monks nor does it resemble fruitcake. Furthermore, Truckee has no Trappist Monastery and that, my friend, is why we at FiftyFifty bring you Trifecta. This is one of FiftyFifty’s seasonal ales, and is a high alcohol Belgian style beer. Brewed with inspiration from Belgian Trappist Ales, Trifecta also includes locally grown Purple Sage Honey. With a complex spiciness tempered by the sweeter notes from the sage honey, flavors of spicy sage, alcohol, and mild malt sweetness are apparent, and sage and clove like aromas predominate. Coming in at over 8%, this beer is deceptively strong. 23 IBU. Note: recent batches of this beer have been 11%abv and it looks like the brewery intends to brew it that way from now on.

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