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Ayinger Kirtabier (Autumn Beer)

Brewer: Brauerei Aying Franz Inselkammer
Style: Märzen / Oktoberfest Bier
Alcohol Content: 5.8%
Seasonal: Autumn

Note: This is the unfiltered version of the (Oktober) Fest-Märzen. If you have a clear beer you might want to add your rating there Formally called Kirta-Halbe. In October, each year we celebrate Kirta. 1999 was a very special year because we opened our handsome new brewery and Beer Adventure on October 15, one day before Kirta-Halbe. Our Ayinger Kirta-Halbe label, by Dieter Hanitzsch shows Bavarian Minister President Dr. Edmund Stoiber with our own Bräu von Aying, Franz Inselkammer in front of the new brewery. For the opening, Mr. Stoiber addressed more than 1000 friends, customers and community leaders .

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