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Chuckanut Marzen

Brewer: Chuckanut Brewery
Style: Märzen / Oktoberfest Bier
Alcohol Content: 5.8%
Seasonal: Autumn

Before mechanical refrigeration made year-round brewing possible, stronger beer was made in the early spring. The beer was then laid down in ice filled caves until the following harvest in September and October, when it would be greatly enjoyed at harvest festivals. It emerged bronze and incomparably smooth with a round and slightly sweet palate, with an almost spicy flavor complemented by a deep toffee like aroma. The Marzen beer which means "March Beer", has an appetizing bitterness that serves to balance rather than challenge the malt underpinnings. At a strength of about 5.5-6.0 percent, it’s a slightly stronger than Pilsner, but not as strong as a Bock beer. The balance between a bread like, malty, juicy sweetness and a firm bitterness makes traditional Marzen one of the most tantalizing of beers. The smoothness is created from extra long cold conditioning of 2-6 months! Original Gravity 14 Plato ABV 5.8% IBU’s 25

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