Pivovarská restaurace Dvorce
No Longer In Business

Taps: 5 | Bottles: some
Closed in early 2020, reopened as Bistro Dvorce, offering only the basic Prazdroj lineup.
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  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 8/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 13/20
Marko  (879) Prague, Czech Republic | May 13, 2019
A neighborhood restaurant in a part of town without many relevant beer places, close to the Dvorce station of the tram no.3 or bus lines 118 and 134. But, eh, relevant only if you're nearby really. 5 taps I guess - two are from Vinohradský pivovar, cheaper than at the brewery itself, which is a plus, but it's the regulars. The others... well, the boards don't say and I'm not positive that English is spoken, but there's some connection with Jihomestský pivovar as well, so they might be theirs. Or who knows. Just ask I guess. There's food, didn't try. If you're located nearby - go for it, there are ticks to be had. If not...

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