Shoyu - MSP

Taps: 0 | Bottles: 20
Japanese restaurant with sake and local craft beers
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  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 9/15
  • FOOD 8/10
  • VALUE 5/10
  • OVERALL 14/20
Sledutah  (962) Utah | March 28, 2016
Good food in the G gates. Order from Ipads at the table. A nice selection of sake and Surly cans. A few other beers.
  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 6/10
  • SELECTION 8/15
  • FOOD 8/10
  • VALUE 8/10
  • OVERALL 13/20
Travlr  (4630) No fixed abode, Slovenia | May 1, 2015
Not far from Mimosa near the G gates in Terminal 1. Sushi bar seats up front, very open restaurant seating behind it. Massive sake bottles on display. Handful of beers including one sake.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 9/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 15/20
Leighton  (1204) London, England | January 19, 2014
Pretty solid option, considering. It’s a nice Japanese restaurant so, in terms of food, they have lots of sushi and noodle dishes. They also have some nice local craft beers, notably Surly. There is also a fairly impressive range of sake to entice the tick-hungry RBian. Typical prices and service for an airport joint. A pretty good spot in Concourse G. Worth checking out.

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