Siphon Brewing

Mayor: Helsdon (1) | Taps: 3 | Bottles: 3
Microbrewery adjacent to a restaurant
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  • AMBIANCE 5/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 9/10
  • OVERALL 18/20
JorisPPattyn  (93) Wilrijk, Belgium | August 27, 2016
To the unwary, the location of Siphon must seem strange - far off the beaten path. It isn’t. "De Siphon" is household knowledge to the Flemish. More than 60 years ago already, people from all over Flanders came here to eat eel, steak and chicken. Now, adjacent to the established restaurant, old farmbuildings have been reconverted into a shining microbrewery by two Flemish guys and an Irishman. A pubbrewery strictu sensu it isn’t , though the beers are always available on tap in the restaurant, but on and off, the brewery organizes "open brewing days". Then you can come to sample the beers, buy some for home and eat BBQ, if you’re inclined. And if the wheather’s fine, the setting in the garden under the fruittrees is a little piece of heaven. When in the neighbourhood, a must, I would dare to say. For cyclists, this is an ideal stopping point. The names of the beers refer to local folklegends, whilst in the logo, the "S" is portrayed as an eel, the fish caught and served anywhere in this area.

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