Eine Beer Guide: Your Eine guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

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80 /100
Casino (Bar)
“Last visited May, 2019. We were just going to stop in to try the impossible-to-find Cnudde beers, all 2 of them... simple enough. This is a very local's local sort of cafe, but also an immaculate time capsule of decades gone by. It's also the de facto taproom for Brouwerij Cnudde next door. Casino is a rare gem of a place. A classic Belgian volkscafe, the small town pub where locals gather. If you're a fan of Flanders Oud Bruin, it’s the best place to drink the rare Cnudde Oud Bruin and excellent Bizon (bee-zhon). After we did that, something funny happened. The elderly bartender spoke no English, I got by with the little Dutch that I could manage, and luckily one of the regulars knew some English. They were all amused when we showed up, and were pretty friendly. There was another regular that spoke slurred Flemish to us and was visibly drunk. He kept pointing to our beers and giving the thumbs up. After he disappeared to the WC, the English-speaker goes "He is Cnudde". It turns out that guy was a brewer, also a little drunk at noon. He also wanted to give us a tour of the brewery, which we immediately took him up on. Weird would be an understatement as to what happened next. We were led through the door marked WC into a back room festival hall, where a guy say behind a laptop at the far end. “Hope you make it back!” he said half-jokingly. Cnudde only brews 4 times a year, when their inventory gets low. The brewery celebrates it's 100th anniversary later this year, and looked like it hadn’t changed much since 1919 either. Everything about it is ancient, and the phrase 'beautiful decay' comes to mind. There's a cellar room with vintage sour Kriek beer is blended in small amounts, which we were lucky enough to sample. The different vintages had a balsamic dark cherry taste, reminiscent of unfiltered La Folie, but flat and acetic. We communicated in drunken broken English and minimal Dutch and got by. Oh, and the brewery's water pipes run under the old church cemetery across the street, and in the local dialect their beer is known as kerkhofsap, or "graveyard juice". Probably the most surreal experience we had in Belgium. If nothing else, pop in to meet the locals and have a Bizon or three.“
emerge077 725 days ago
48 /100
Bolero (Bar)
“Very basic cafe with odd customers but the most convenient place to try Cnudde Bruin as it’s right by the train station and seems to be always open. Other beers include most from Roman including Speciale & Dark Gold.“
baxterfish 4121 days ago
58 /100
Casino (Bar)
“Very basic but likable cafe that is the Cnudde brewery tap and the main reason to visit is to try their hard to find brown ale and observe the strange characters that drink it. If it’s closed all the local cafes do the beer including the Bolero and Eiland next to the train statin.“
baxterfish 4122 days ago
70 /100
Casino (Bar)
“Café Casino is one of the few pubs that sell Cnudde. Up until recently this beer was only available on tap, so going to eine to drink this extremely rare Oud Bruin was definitely worth it. It still is, if only because Casino is an absolute beauty of a ’bruin café’“
rotjoch 4296 days ago
54 /100
Casino (Bar)
“There are hourly trains to Eine from Gent St Pieters. And only reason to go to Eine is Brouwerij Cnudde. Cnudde has 2 brands, Oudenaards Bruin and Bizon Kriek but I was not able to try latter at here. If Casino is closed, you can try Oudenaards Bruin at Cafe De Winter near Casino.“
BriSava 4658 days ago
58 /100
Casino (Bar)
“Brewery tap for Cnudde, which is attached. Cnudde only makes one beer, but it’s a very nice oud bruin that’s worth going out of your way to find (at a cost of 1 euro 20). This place is definitely a local’s local.“
Travlr 4864 days ago
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