Eastbridge Beer Guide: Your Eastbridge guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

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“Situated where the small village of Eastbridge ends on its northern side, the pub has a couple of ground floor rooms, with the main one being the bar area. Although very much a country pub in design it is setup for food and if the weather allows there's lots of picnic tables in its elevated garden next to a play area, and what looks like 3 boules courts beyond that. Adnams ales are naturally sold here being part of this group, with the current cask collab from the brewer also available on my visit.“
ManVsBeer 948 days ago

We visited The Eels Foot Inn. East Bridge on Friday 25th December ’Christmas Day’ 2015. We’d done a good walk (albeit rather wet midway through) from our campsite along the beach and then cutting inland along the edge of RSPB Minsmere to eventually end up here, we saw a Marsh Harrier but little else as any sensible bird would have taken refuge in the reedbeds. We’d been to this pub before but that was many, many years ago in our tent days, we’d camped at the small campsite which runs alongside the left hand side of the pub.

We entered the pub and it was bustling, so many folk, and dogs it was a really nice scene but getting to the bar took a while as it was so busy. As you enter the pub has a roaring fire off to the left a big table and chairs sits to the side of this alongside the front window. Ahead is the bar, it’s a very small bar, it looks even smaller with a large Christmas Tree off to the side. Low beams and stone floors add to the lovely old historic look. Some more seating in this area i.e. in front of the bar by the front window and then off to the RH side a raised area with further seating in two small rooms, I suspect that this part may have been an extension to the pub at some point but I never took a close look to check. It looked from a number of photos near the bar that there had been some renovation work gone on in the pub along with a big job of creating a fabulous tiered pub garden, the work of which appears to have seen this place recognised by getting it into the Top Ten pub gardens in the country according to one of the broadsheets.

Beer choice was just Adnams beers, but with Southwold Bitter, Old Ale, Broadside, Tally Ho Ho Ho, Ghost Ship and one more I’ve forgotten because there were five handpump and Tally Ho Ho Ho was on cask gravity it was my first beer and a decent choice.

We sat chatting for half an hour or more to a really nice couple from Brentwood in Essex who amusingly thought that we were artists. It was a really nice vibe here and whilst Adnams rarely excites me it’s a solid brewery the beers here were exceptionally well kept and you’d love this place as your local. We could easily have spent the whole afternoon here, in fact as it was we were one of the last to leave, great pub.“
Fin 3135 days ago
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