Tardebigge Beer Guide: Your Tardebigge guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Tardebigge

66 /100
Alestones (Bar)
“This is an interesting place. It's tucked away within Tardebigge Court, which has a number of pleasant little arty shops. It seems reasonably popular on a Friday afternoon considering its location. A front bar area seats about 5-10 people, with a slightly larger seating area to the right. There are four casks on the bar: all sessionable and mostly light. They offered two Davenports, I had the 4.4% IPA which was decent enough and in perfect condition. If coming this way you may wish to opt for one of the four ciders, most of which were new to me. Another one of those pubs that feels incredibly pleasant despite not much beer choice.“
jjsint 1597 days ago
80 /100
Alestones (Bar)
“businesses round it. Go through an archway to the back courtyard and the pub is on the left. Small room at the front with the bar, but a larger room at the rear where they hold live music events. A few tables and chairs outside at the front. No toilets in the pub, but clean well kept toilets opposite the front door. 4 cask ales available and change frequently. In March we had beers from Country Life, Froth Blowers, Elland and Geeves. They often have Alestones Triple S Blond on, a beer brewed for them by Woodcote Manor. Today when we went the beers were Woodcote Manor Mantra, Woodcote Manor Cap'n Wills Rum Stout, a brill 6.5% , Arbor Blue Sky Drinking, and TWT Lol Twti Ffruiyi. There is a bus service from Redditch.“
gillhalfpint 2288 days ago
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