Zadni Tieban Beer Guide: Your Zadni Tieban guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Zadni Tieban

58 /100 U MLÝNA 8
“Visited with Gurthnar. As U Mlýna doesn't carry their beer except in the summer, we were redirected to the brewery - and thankfully the nice owner/brewer was there, happy to lead us down to the plant itself. English could be used I think. The brewery itself is actually in the basement on the other side from the pic, towards UM. Classic affair, charmingly old school in a way. Only the 11° was available, for 50czk per 1l - which is fantastic value for something that's definitely at least better than the Staropramen served at UM. Should visit during the summer, though I'm not sure the selection is wider then anymore. The locals should appreciate this more in my book... Can't get a higher score, but there you go.“
Marko 662 days ago
60 /100 K NÁDRAŽÍ 35
“Old school as fuck, Mašinka is beyond cult. Simple as that. A part of the Zadní Třebaň train station, it features a simple, a bit roomy interior with a TV, and a little patio with a view... of the tracks (with, randomly enough, a cool little castle model that didn't seem Karlštejnish to me at first, but could be wrong). Okay service, classic CZ service I guess. Konrad 10° eternally on tap - in December 19 it was 17kč for a big one!!! Now it's 21kč, (oh no!), and Gambrinus 10° was on tap too. Only two beers last time, but in December there were a few, including an unidentified 18° Porter for an insane 22kč for 0.5l! Well, not sure how its selection will fluctuate, but this is a great little pit stop while waiting for a train after going to some Bobr place in the village center. Even with the 4kć increase in price, this is still insanely cheap.“
Marko 1445 days ago
60 /100 U MLÝNA 8
“October 2022 update: Revisited with Gurthnar - and they didn't carry any Bobr beers. Apparently the locals don't drink it (wow I guess Staropramen is worse but cheaper so it wins?), so they carry it only during the summer. Just as a heads-up to would-be travelers. So, the brewery should be checked during the colder months when less cyclists are around and the patio doesn't work... or the Kulturák if it still works at all. Good visit still during the summer I guess. December 2019: Now this was fun. This, along with the brewery, is just aross the train tracks from the village center. Zadní Třebaň's a village of less than 1000 people, and it kinda shows, not necessarily negatively. U Mlýna is a complex with accommodation, a pet hotel... and this pub. During warmer times, it seems to have a nice patio, but that was closed... in fact... After some woman coming out closed the grate which only opens from the inside in front of us (gee, thanks), we thought it might be closed despite the working hours being different. Still, a buzz and we were let in. Good service, even if I highly doubt they were expecting foreign tourists on a work day in December. Classic Czech pub, quite homely actually - they don't hide they are Bohemians (and Arsenal) fans. It's a Staropramen place as much as a Bobr place, mind, three regular taps of it are up front, but Bobr 11° was also on tap (28kč/0.5l of course, you're not in Prague!), and we had that. According to the price list, they usually have more (in the summer?) A bit atypical but okay really. A longer look at the bar and you see that it almost doubles as a store, with the big collection of snacks, smokes and all. One-stop Not a "wow" place, but a good place to have a Bobr at and I'm sure the locals appreciate it. 4/8/8/12“
Marko 1687 days ago
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