Eagle Nest Beer Guide: Your Eagle Nest guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Eagle Nest

“wow--this place is awful. Owner rude and aggressive. It’s a long drive for nothing.“
revolc1 3680 days ago
“What a unique place! Well off the beaten path on at over 8,000 feet elevation in a small little log cabin. Only outdoor seating available so bring a jacket. Brewer is extremely friendly and willing to talk beer. Only 5 beers on tap and one ran out on my visit. Samplers available. Prices were low and no food is available. What a great experience!“
deyholla 3699 days ago
“There is no chance any brewery can match the surrounding beauty of this one. A private ranch, surrounded by mountains and meadows. It is way out there, the beer is not mind blowing(it is very good) and you have to travel up a two mile dirt road to find the place... but it is well worth the effort. The brewer was super friendly and is providing a valuable service for a community that doesn’t have anything else like this. Loved this place.“
miketd 4455 days ago
“To me, this is close to the ultimate of remote brewery locations. It is 2 miles off the main road, traveling over a dirt road (which at the time was covered in an inch of hard, packed snow), passing a couple houses, chickens, and the local dogs. Luckily there are plenty of signs to help you find your way. It is located at around 9000 feet elevation, there are mountains all around you, as well as stillness/peacefulness/quietness. This is not the best place to visit in winter, however. The "brewery" is a small (very tiny) one-room (and one-man) operation that holds the equipment. There is no indoor area for patrons (obviously can be troubling in the rougher weather months). There is an outdoor heater, but it is not super helpful. The seats and tables are made out of wood (homemade?). This is the only experience I’ve had where the beer has actually gotten colder as I drink! (30 degree temps can do that!). Despite the cold, the beers were quite good and I was certainly impressed. There were 3 taps. Overall, a pleasant spot, but I would recommend visiting in the summer when it is warm enough to sit outside and there will be more company as well.“
LilBeerDoctor 4567 days ago
“Serendipitous find! Doing the scenic loop drive through the Taos mountains. There’s a hand-drawn side on the side of the road saying "brewery." Put on the brakes, drive 2 miles down dirt road. Signs guide the way, and a few farm dogs welcome you with just a hint of suspicion. An old ramshackle hut is where the beer is, and the seating is a few carved out trees on a porch. But they have a heater! Which was necessary even on a late summer evening. The place was actually full, or as full as a place with 6 seats, can get. A few crusty locals with a few crusty cowboy tourists. Everyone was talkative and friendly. What a find--would that there were more places like this in the world.“
Beershine 4681 days ago
“Great place in the middle of the mountains. It’s just outside Eagle Nest, which itself is little more than an intersection. The brewery is two miles down a dirt road. In a 100-year-old cabin, they are making beer on a homemade system. There is no inside as such, just an outside area that is open year-round. Dress warmly - this is high altitude stuff, around 8500’ (2590m) so it is quite cold most of the year. You can buy beer to go. Great place - friendly vibe from the locals and of course all smart tourists driving by stop in for a visit as well. The beer is good. There is no food. The view ranks as one of the best brewpub views I’ve come across, just mountains and meadows. Just awesome, especially for people who love al fresco mountain drinking.“
Oakes 4699 days ago
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