Joliette Beer Guide: Your Joliette guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Joliette

76 /100 681, RUE MARION
“This place was a pleasant surprise. Alchimiste has really upped their game in the last while. The taproom is modern, plenty of space, 5 tables and seats at bar. Samples are 2.50 each, very solid and original , really enjoyed the barley wine. Service was good. Free wifi. Little snack menu , sourced locally, and inexpensive. Had the salsa and nachos for 6$. Plenty of parking.“
Lubiere 972 days ago
“Visité lors du Rallye Bières et Plaisirs 2017. Beau brewpub situé dans un vieux bâtiment. N'ayant jamais été en Angleterre, c'est de un peu de cette façon que j'imagine un pub anglais. Bières excellentes et service sympathique, un retour est assuré!“
Whatup14 2483 days ago
“Old house, they preserved the cachet of this nice old house. Front and back terrasses.nice wooden bar with 13 tap and two cask. Great selections, nice food, I took the salmon burger, the fries are the real good ones. The staff are realy friendly and knowlegable. We can see the brewer one and a while. I deffinatively have to come back.“
Arcanor 2934 days ago
“Endroit visité le 27 décembre 2015 fin PM. Belle maison victorienne . Beaucoup de style. Vieux pub Anglais. Malheureusement, il n’y avait qu’une seule bière servie en cask lors de ma visite et elle était un peu trop froide pour ce genre de service. Mais le service est courtois quoique un peu lent. Les serveurs (euses) connaissent les produits. La nourriture est bonne sans être excellente. Mais c’est les bières qui valent la visite à cet établissement. Toutes les bières goutées étaient excellentes. Un parfait exemple de la tradition Anglaise. Vaut vraiment le détour.“
dandeman 3126 days ago
“This place offers 2 terrace including a 75 seating terrace at the back of this place. Front terrace has a new view on the street, back terrace is more relaxed. We had a really great service. Always really fast, never had to wait to get new beer, great piece of advice, etc. They have multiple style of beer that can change quite often. Their porter and Double Stout is quite good, really smooth. If you’re lucky you can get some beers infused with azote. Inside, it’s quite rustic, some woods everywhere. Nice location too in a peaceful environment near some small restaurants and small boutiques. Worth a visit“
Stoned99 3319 days ago
“Located in the downtown of Joliette two steps from the main plaza this converted old house offers a definite English feel. Wood is everywhere. The interior / bar are not that spacious but offers a decent amount of sittings. Two terraces one in front the other on the back, a sunnier one complete the offer. Your welcome to bring your food as there’s no food but snacks offered. We visited on June the 20th 2015 the place was a bit deserted but du to that service was blazing fast. The beers offered are mostly English interpretation with a few American and even German style. Their bitter is worth the drive all alone some personal favorite also includes their porter and old ale. “
punkska101 3324 days ago
“Quel jolie Brewpub au coeur d’une charmante ville. Comment ne pas tomber sous le charme. Personnels courtois, et bien au fait de leurs produits. Tout nous emmène dans la détente et donc prédisponsé à déguster. Les bières sont biens, mais l’ensemble les emmène à un autre niveau. Comme quoi, la dégustation du vin et de la bière restera toujours subjective!“
Alexd8 3650 days ago
“Nice brewpub located downtown Joliette in a superb old Victorian house. There’s multiple rooms where you can sit and I felt very comfortable there. Music wasn’t too loud even if we went on a Friday night. Service was really fast and really friendly. Good selection of house beers including 2 beers on cask and 1 on a creamer. Everything we tried (5 beers total) was good to pretty good. Their bitter is world-class. One 12 oz wasn’t enough, I ordered a pint! Price were very good. The only food they had was nachos, which was quite good. I have heard good things about this place prior to my visit and I can confirm that it’s great. I would love to have a brewpub like this one near home. I need to come back sooner than later.“
tom10101 3886 days ago
“Un bon endroit à visiter en journée, pas très spacieux mais avec des bonnes places assises et une petite petite terrasse l’été. La sélection de bières en fût est impressionnante (varie souvent), avec des choix de bières en bouteilles. La bouffe est bonne et à bon prix, style "snacks" et "en-cas". En général, les serveurs connaissent les produits, mais pas tout le temps. Le soir, c’est différent: l’endroit gagne en popularité et ça devient rapidement plein vu la taille. On mise plus sur le style "club" et "drinks" pour gagner de la clientèle.“
extremely_loud 3887 days ago
“Petit pub installé dans une maison centenaire. On y présente quelques spectacles dans la petite seule, mais généralement on diffuse de la musique indie-rock-pop. C’est parfois achalandé, mais règle générale on trouve une place assise sans problème, surtout l’été avec la grande terrasse. Les serveurs/serveuses connaissent très bien leurs produits, sont accessibles et courtois. Ils peuvent vous faire goûter et vous aider à trouver la bière qui vous convient. Les bières sont règle générale d’inspiration anglaise ancestrale, avec quelques digressions. Si vous le voulez, le brasseur, lorsqu’il est présent, répondra à vos questions avec un enthousiasme impressionnant pour son art. On y fait des moyennes batchs, mais jusqu’à maintenant j’ai toujours trouvé qu’il y avait une bonne sélection pour la taille de l’endroit (au moins 6?), à un prix régulier. Parmi les bières régulières, il y a toujours une ou deux sortes offertes casks, et parfois on sert des éditions limitées plus dispendieuses. Côté nourriture, on offre seulement des nachos, et seulement avant 11H... Dommage, car c’est quand même très bon et avec un excellent prix (de mémoire, 7$ pour une assiette qui sert facilement deux-trois personnes). Par contre, une rumeur persiste qu’on veut élargir le choix et offrir plusieurs plats. À voir !“
extremely_loud 3887 days ago
“Établissement visité le vendredi 15 février vers 20h00. Ambiance: Maison victorienne transformé en bar. On y trouve 3 sections individuelles. Musique rock en toile de fond. Service: Superbe service qui connaît super bien les bières servies et leur histoire. Sélection: 7 bières maisons en plus deux version en cask. (189e rating d’établissement).“
TaktikMTL 4168 days ago
“Visité 15/02/13 vers 14h00. Sympathique pub chaleureux où un patchwork de meubles usés plutôt bien réussi est réparti en plusieurs pièces appelant à la causerie. Beau bar bien organisé situé au coeur de l’action. Faunes de curieux et d’habitués. Ambiance musicale décontractée, assumée et sans chichi. Le brasseur, disponible et sympathique, explique qu’il se spécialise dans les bières anglaises, les vieilles recettes et autrement historiques. Le service est lui aussi fort sympathique, bien informé, rapide, bref, dur à battre. 13 lignes de fût, 2 casks et quelques bouteilles constituent leur arsenal. Des prix fort raisonnables. Bref, très belle expérience!“
GarnotingPete 4180 days ago
“A recent addition to the Quebec beer scene, Albion is ran by an historian who has a tendency to research and recreate old beer styles. To expand on his message, his brewpub is settles in an historical, pretty house, multi-roomed on the borders of Joliette’s downtown. The place seems to be especially popular with nearby Cégep college students. A shining star in his project is his insistance for small batches (initially less than 100 liters a batch, though I understand this has been upgraded) in order to maximize freshness. A remarkable effort on which future disgressions will be promptly forgiven as tiresome that practice must be. His foundations, on the other hand, lie in the English ales reign and he does a fine cask pull. I was not necessarily fond of all the beers i’ve had here. Although I found the execution to b neat, I found a few to be rather dull, simplistic examples. On the other hand, I absolutely adore the Bitter, that I believe to be the best new beer in Quebec of the last year, by a good margin, a beer that had me travelling back in Britain immediately and that I can never drink in more than 8-10 gulps, the very epitome of a session ale, under 4% and immensely tasty.“
Rastacouere 4638 days ago
“Very beautiful place, both the inside and the terrace has an elegant and modern look. The tap list is quite impressive; 20 taps if I remember correctly, all micros. The only downside was that most of the list contained average beers. Still, there was ~ 5 very good taps including regulars from Dieu du ciel, Hopfenstark and Trou du Diable. The Staff was friendly too. A nice alternative if you don’t feel like going downtown Montreal. Also, it is within walking distance from Albion, so it is a nice place to end the night when you feel like drinking beers that might give you a potential buzz.“
JulienHuxley 4669 days ago
“Beau petit bar où sont servis des cocktails, quelques scotchs, et, surtout, que des bières québécoises. Une quinzaine en fût (dont 4 servies en rotation, selon l’offre) et une trentaine en bouteille. Nourriture style bistro, en cas, et lunchs du midi. Service avisé et sympathique. Pintes offertes à 6$.“
GarnotingPete 4721 days ago
“This is a place to come to Albion is situaded in an century old house that is very welcoming.The decor is a mix of old and new and each room in the house has a certain appeal. The service is excellent and they know about the beers.As for the beers you will not be disappointed. Cannot wait to got back.“
LadySusan 4776 days ago
“Visited on April 3, 2011. A very cozy and warm four room brewpub set in a old house in downtown Joliette, it is one of the nicest beer place I’ve been. I sat in the bar room, it felt comfortable with the natural light and it’s even better with a pint of beer. On my first visit, I try two of their beer, the porter was good, but the bitter was for me the best I ever had in this style. I had the privilege to visit the brewery itself, their equipment quand only brew a 100 liters at a time and the room itself is smaler then my bathroom, but that does not stop them from making good beer. Here is your reason to go to Joliette!“
Quevillon 4863 days ago
“Very pretty brewpub located in an old victorian mansion where you can litterally walk around the different rooms looking for the spot you prefer. Service was good, but then again we were alone in the pub for long parts of the evening. They had a selection of 4 of their own beers on tap and the barman told us the number of their own beers is going to rise gradually over the next year. The bitter and the stout were really good, but all their beers I tried were well done. The value is very good, the pints are cheap and the minimal food served is also very affordable and good value. I would certainly recommend this visit to anyone passing by.“
JulienHuxley 4895 days ago
“Located in a super nice old Victorian mansion in downtown Joliette (reminded me of the cheshire Cat in Carp), with the drinking area being small and cosey, old school British pub. No kitchen so very basic food. 4 to 5 beers from them always available, with another 6 guest taps. Friendly service. Pricey sampler at 6.50$for 4 3 on pours.“
Lubiere 4955 days ago
“Very impressive new brewpub in Joliette, situated in a beautiful old house with many different rooms, nooks and crannies. Impossible to not find a spot you feel comfortable in. The brewer/owner is a passionate historian and has already started serving beers from oak casks on the counter, recreating beers from 19th century recipes, etc. His blond Bitter is a knockout for a "house blond", full of fresh cereals and enduring hop bitterness. Other styles on hand are all English (as can be expected from the brewery name), except the Blanche which is a Weizen. Every beer is impeccably executed, which is obviously not the case for many brewpubs when they begin brewing. I had the chance to taste his test batch of an 1859 Barclay Perkins Imperial Stout recreation; a very promising strong ale which will grace the menu in a couple of years, surely. The brewer has many other historical recreations in the works; very exciting, especially when you know they should be top notch due to this high quality standards.“
MartinT 4970 days ago
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