Magog Beer Guide: Your Magog guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Magog

76 /100 20 RUE MERRY SUD
“Nice brewpub with Hotel and Restaurant at the riverfront of Magog. Large patio at the water, also insinde. Tasty food and about 10 beers on tap, also some cans and bottle,, mostly onw beers. Smart staff.“
dunklermessias 345 days ago
78 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“Microbrasserie très bien située dans le centre de Magog. L'accueil et le service sont excellents. J'ai pu déguster 4 bières de leur production avec un plat pris sur place. C'est une bonne adresse pour un français dans les cantons de l'Est. Je conseille la Double Menton (double IPA).“
Tometclo 1732 days ago
74 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“Very nice brewpub on the edge of the marina in downtown Magog. They have a selection of their house beers and some good food. The beers are a little lackluster, some interesting picks, but the regulars are pretty boring. Service was good, but the place was packed so beware of nice weather in the summer if you want a quiet experience! Will probably return for the setting but will stick to rotating seasonal taps.“
JulienHuxley 2553 days ago
100 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“Qeulle amelioration!“
Kelkun 2626 days ago
64 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“Went to the pub on a sunny day. Had a great view from the terrace on the Magog marina and on the main street, or at least one of the main streets. Service was friendly but unfortunately my waiter had no clue what beer they had, wrong piece of advice as well. Right from the start, I told him I was a beer geek but needed some times to figure out which sample I would want. He then suggested to take the flight which included all 7 beers has to offer. So I took those 7 beers. After drinking all those "easy to drink" beers, I told the waiter I was done and asked if anything else was available, maybe in bottle, something more exceptional. I was then told they have some seasonal beer for the beer geeks! Basically I could have drank those exceptional beers instead of the regular "OK" beer. No need to say I wasn’t that happy since I had already drank 7x4 ounces and had to drive back home. So I took another 2 sample of those seasonal beers and they were much much better. Can’t believe I almost left without drinking those beers, that would sure have left a bitter taste in my mouth, in the wrong way (not IPA way ;)). Oh, I also learned a few hours after leaving the pub that one of the seasonal beer I thought I ordered wasn’t the one that I was given. Apparently that beer was no longer available for at least 3 weeks... The price was OK. Food looked good but I didn’t eat anything. I will sure go back again and only drink the seasonal beer and make sure to read the menu and not trust the waiter’s advice. That’s unfortunate because my waiter was friendly but not knowing the beer available in a pub is not what I qualify a good service.“
Stoned99 2913 days ago
68 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“Visited on a week day during afternoon. Place was half full, mostly with locals (or at least people who acted like regulars). Service was pretty quick and both super friendly (from one of the waitress) and poor (from the other waitress). They both seemed to have some knowledge of the beers on the menu. Selection was interesting quantity-wise (10 of their own beers). Quality was a bit of a letdown though. I have heard some pretty good things about their beers, but what I tried there was average (a few 3.5, but also a few under 3.0). Tasters are available. I didn’t try the food but it looked good. Price were ok for Magog and not out of line with other Québec brewpubs. I will probably need to give this place another chance someday, but I wasn’t too impressed at my first visit.“
tom10101 3197 days ago
70 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“Beau pub situé tout près de l’eau avec une belle terrasse. La sélection de bière est petite et les bières sont correctes. La bouffe est vraiment bonne, à bon prix et sans prétention. C’est un must à Magog“
veronneaupy 3335 days ago
50 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“Endroit un peu vieillot, voir défraîchi. Service lent presque absent et peu sympathique. De plus, elle ne semblait pas connaitre ses produits. Les bières étaient presque toutes décevantes. Palette de dégustation offertes, mais on ne peut pas sélectionner soi-même. La nourriture était plutôt bonne. Par contre, belle terrasse avec une très belle vue.“
Whatup14 3374 days ago
66 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“Pub bien situé près de tout les attrait interessant de Magog. Belle maison centenaire avec environ cinquante place et une belle ambiance bien chaleureuse. Le service était assez rapide et courtois. Le choix des bières n’était pas très grand mais je crois que les brasseurs se concentre plus a améliorer leur recette qu’a offrir un large éventail de choix. La nourriture était excellente, en résumé je suis très satisfait de ma visite, les bières n’était pas extraordinaire mais elle n’était vraiment pas mauvaise! Une belle place a visite!“
cargo150 3738 days ago
56 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“I visited the place late on a saturday afternoon. They are said to have improved a lot since changing brewers. I had never been before so a comparison would be far-fetched, but I was not overly impressed with their beers. Most were bland and many were problematic. That’s unfortunate as the 7 styles being offered were going further than the usual colour range with a scotch ale, an IPA among others. The place remains pretty, in an old house in a charming location. And the goat cheese salad with honey was delicious, but for the beer lover, this remains far behind Siboire and Brouemont.“
Rastacouere 5759 days ago
62 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“Nice location, the terrasse was comfortable.The food was good so was the service my only disappointment was the beer.“
LadySusan 6560 days ago
66 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“Le dernier de trois brewpubs que j’ai faite le 7/7/06. Bien qu’il est situé sur une rue achalandé, ce n’est pas la rue Principal. J’ai bu #8 et la scotch ale qui étaient assées bien. Mon buger au bison et très bon et j’avais un bonne vue du lac.“
Quevillon 6595 days ago
66 /100 12, RUE MERRY SUD
“Quaint building, nice terrace in the summer months. Always 6 brews on tap, with maybe a couple more special ones depending on the mood and production of the brewer. Beers are notoriously thin and not to style, but I don't think they are trying to reach the paragon of any style. The guy is just having fun with beer. Sometimes to my liking, sometimes not. If you are in Magog, you can't miss them as they are practically on the corner of the busiest intersection (there is only one busy intersection anyway!). Much more interesting than the city's other brewpub, Lady of the Lake, while far from being stellar. I stop in everytime I go to Magog though.“
MartinT 7481 days ago
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