Aldworth Beer Guide: Your Aldworth guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

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72 /100 BELL LANE
“Had read that the landlord and his son were intending to start brewing. Spotted that they had started producing a regular beer and was pleased to see that, whilst rural, it is relatively close to the Ikea in Reading, a shop my wife and son are both happy to take trips to (I don't mind the meatballs). After Theale you gradually drive through villages which get progressively smaller and eventually up a B-road that ascends a very steep hill. The pub is then down a narrow lane, which today has cars packed all down one side. I was concerned about parking but my wife spotted the sign saying 'parking in field'. I was immediately taken with the ancient looking small stone building, with a well presented pub garden to one side. The car park wasn't overly full. A lot of the peope sat outside (also some tables out front) we're obviously walking their dogs or hiking. Inside the pub is equal ancient looking. There are two serving hatches. Menus either side of the hatches list the ciders (maybe 7) and food options - seemed to be filled crusty rolls and pickled eggs/onions. There are then 5 hand pumps - unfortunately the regular ESB brewed at the pub had sold out on Sunday (was open on a Monday due to it being a Bank Holiday). The five beers were from Arkells, Delphic (branded glasses), Indigenous, Rebellion, and a new brewery for me in Amwell Springs. Very friendly landlord. Told me to come back the following Saturday for their beer. I noticed that the beers are brewed in an outhouse backing on to the carpark and someone was in there doing something. So in theory there should always be their ESB on plus the occasional season offering. I was unlucky. But it's a lovely pub so plan to return... either in conjunction with a trip to IKEA, the nearby National Trust place or seeing a friend in my wife who is local (I.e. beer + something to keep everyone happy). Could in theory get a taxi there as there is a railway station nearby in Pangbourne.“
BeardedAvenger 425 days ago
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