Hedgerley Beer Guide: Your Hedgerley guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

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“A pleasantly unspoilt country pub with an ever changing selection of beers, all served direct from the cask at a smaller counter without the need for handpumps, and using the almost extinct dimpled glasses; but something isn't quite right about the place in my opinion - lot's of beer, but nobody drinking it, and the feeling you've strayed into Royston Vasey.“
berkshirejohn 2102 days ago
“Visited on 16 April 2017 after a ride on the X74 bus from Slough bus station and pleasant 20 minute walk from Farnham Common. Friendly country pub that was holding a festival with 20 or so beers on offer, all served in good condition. Landlord was happy to have a chat about the local beer scene and food was of good quality. Well worth making an effort to visit.“
downender 2658 days ago
“Picturesque village pub, with 8 real ales, 3 real ciders and one craft beer on tap when I visited. Sadly don’t do 3xthird taster boards so as I was driving my appreciation of the number of different ales they had was somewhat diminished. Beers served as standard in dimple mugs and not short served which isn’t the case everywhere! No food in evenings. Prices reasonable, service ok. A decent enough visit.“
Grumbo 2915 days ago
“Vistied for lunch on Sunday 26th June 2016. I’d been looking forward to coming here for a while but left feeling somewhat disappointed! Traditional village local with 2 rooms split by a bar, small room to the left as you enter is dog friendly, the larger room to the right it is not. Beer selection was decent with 8 cask lines from micros spread across the country with a few different styles on offer but pretty much all in the 3-5% bracket ... could have done with something maybe a little more adventurous in terms of boost level for me. Food was good and well prices, Sunday roasts were around the £8 mark, not massive portions but decent enough and good quality fayre. The reason I left disappointed was due to the house policy of not giving tasters of beer ! I was truly shocked when I was told this. There was a smoked pale ale I was considering but smoked and pale can be hit or miss so I asked for a taster. We only get 1 barrel of each beer ... if we gave everyone a taster we’d have none left ! Sounds like some brainwashed script they give to the staff ...copied below a review from Trip Advisor ...." I love traditional cider so tried the Druid. It tasted "off" and truly nasty so for the second round I asked the barman if I could have a small taste from the keg of the other traditional cider they offer. His reply was" no its our house policy not to give out any tasters because if we did that for everyone then we’d have no cider left." Unbelievable! " This was the first time in 5 or 6 years where I’ve been refused a taster ... it’s 2016 - a leading CAMRA pub should be encouraging people to try different styles etc. Does everyone ask for a taster ? No ! Just a small number of people. As it happened I didn’t bother buying a beer and just ate my lunch without a drink ... for a 5p taster they lost out on maybe £7/8 from the couple of pints I would have likely got. Seems they have a good reputation and can live off this so bollocks to any discerning drinkers out there. Shame - I won’t be rushing back.“
Theydon_Bois 2953 days ago
“Down a narrow and picturesque country lane where you’ll be literally hedged in by the hedge rows, so park as soon as you can. You’ll be rewarded by a pretty countyry pub with friendly service, lots of different rooms, big covered patio out back and a handful of picnic tables out front. More than a dozen ales and craft beers on gravity, about a wuarter local, and four morf ciders. They had a small stand inside with cheeses and sandwiches, but I’m not sure if that’s a regular thing. Worth going well out of your way to linger at this place.“
Travlr 3227 days ago
“A legendary pub for choice of beers mainly from brand new and/or obscure breweries. In the tiny village of Hedgerley miles from any public transport wise, the odd bus is so infrequent. Always have intersting beers on especially during their epic festivals, for which people camp in nearby fields! Lovely interior and beer garden at the back. If it was easier to get to I would visit far more often.“
b727trijet 3703 days ago
“Living locally to this pub and even having worked there for a summer perhaps I can give a different perspective on it. It is undoubtedly an attractive country pub and it is in a great location on a quiet country road that sees little through traffic. As others have said they don’t have any music, television or fruit machine, and they have a wide selection of different beers. The atmosphere though I found very tense, with the owners of the pub being a family at war with their alcohol fuelled arguments frequently spilling out over the bar. I haven’t been back in five years so I don’t know if things have changed, but I won’t be returning while it’s under the same ownership. The beer selection at first appears interesting, but after a number of visits it becomes obvious just how many rebadges there probably are here. So obscure are the beers that I would be surprised if even 10% of the beers ever appear in the Ratebeer database, with the majority of the beers coming from the same dozen or microbreweries notorious for rebadging. There’s only so many times you can have a 4% golden ale from the same brewery before the different names become meaningless. The nearby Royal Standard at Wooburn Common isn’t in quite as nice a location but has at least as many regularly changing guest beers, and they tend to get in better known beers from a wider selection of breweries.“
Joeh 5227 days ago
“Visited here on Leg 7 of the Thames Tipple back in the summer 09. I really loved this place, wonderful old pub, oozing character. There was a good selection of beers available approx 7-8 casks on gravity with Brewdog 5am Saint, Mighty Oak and Weltons amongst the selection, all were in very good nick. Its also worth noting that there were at least 3-4 real cider’s/perries available and a very good range of Belgian bottles as well. Great atmosphere, very friendly banter with the locals and landlord, this pub is well worth stopping off at if you are in the vicinity, many thanks to Glen ’Imdownthepub’ for recommending this.“
Fin 5353 days ago
“A complete gem. I paid my maiden call at this hostelry on 30th May, having cycled from Gerrards Cross station. What immediately impressed me was the near-heroe’s welcome I received from locals drinking outside, as I locked my cycle and took a look around the outdoor drinking area. A proper, no-nonsense PUB. No tv, fruit machines or jukebox. Pure conversation rules the roost here, and I ended up in conversation with several regular visitors to the WH, who were friendly, chilled and relaxed. From a constantly changing range of eight beers (some on gravity) I enjoyed four including one from Rebellion, another from Wensleydale (formerly Lidstones) and one from Penpont in Cornwall. Festivals are held, usually around the late May bank holiday weekend (and at other times - check with pub) and beer turnover is reported at well over one hundred nine-gallon casks in the course of such events. Visitors should note that free "tasters" are unavailable at this establishment, however, reliable tasting notes are provided on the blackboard, and I did not feel misled on any of them. This pub must be visited, and it is one of those rare occasions where I will unreservedly award such high ratings. One of the best pubs in the UK.“
ladnewton 5534 days ago
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