Fleetwood Beer Guide: Your Fleetwood guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Fleetwood

54 /100 171 LORD STREET
“On the main commercial road through Fleetwood with the tram lines in front, this is a locals pub with an older style hallway service area after you enter. The pub has been made open plan though so the best and quite grand seating area just opposite are quite well kept and full of nautical photos and memorabilia in keeping with the historic industry in this area. A couple of microbrewed regional ales should be available.“
ManVsBeer 166 days ago
44 /100
Steamer (Bar)
“Traditional urban pub in a somewhat grand corner building facing the mostly defunct industrial scarred banks of the Wyre estuary. It's nice enough inside with plenty of room around a central bar against the back wall. I was lucky to get a rate here with two microbrewed cask ales often seen regional regulars available on my visit. Karaoke on a small stage was well underway before 2pm on a Friday.“
ManVsBeer 167 days ago
60 /100 POULTON RD
“Large red-brick self-standing historic pub building now operating two distinct sides, of which I turned left into the empty restaurant side, but struggled to find a seat in the busy bar side on the right. Pub games takes up some of the space though. The central bar serves both areas with a good row of microbrewed real ales to choose from. Garden areas and own car park.“
ManVsBeer 168 days ago
50 /100 57 THE ESPLANADE,
“Large red historic hotel building that's seen better days on The Esplanade with plenty of seaviews if you were to stay here. The pub is part of the building but run separately and is now a Greene King concert so expect their brews here.“
ManVsBeer 168 days ago
“Annual and popular Beer Festival held in the Marine Hall along the Esplanade opposite the Fleetwood Mound. There are generally around 100 Real Ales at this Festival along with imported bottled beers on a separate stand. The cask beers are situated on racking on an island bar in a well organised alphabetical order by Brewer, no messing about. There are some beers on hand pull, most on gravity pour. There is a good amount of seating which is generally arranged in long benches, so sharing is essential. Beware of the food police in here, the hall rules don't allow for imported food and the food spotters have honed their skills over many years and can pick you out from a distance. The food available tends to be a bit basic and unhealthy unfortunately.. Very reasonable entry prices for CAMRA Members depending on the session. This is an annual pilgrimage for us.“
imdownthepub 1632 days ago
64 /100 57 THE ESPLANADE,
“Visited 9/2/2019. Last of the 5 pubs we visited in Fleetwood. I imagine once upon a time this was a grand sea front hotel but time has moved on and it's not quite what it was. But compared to some of the other places visited today it was ok - very busy and appeared to be a destination pub for a mix of people from lads on a night out to families in for a kids party. CAMRA discount volunteered even on a half which happens rarely. Decent staff, comfortable surroundings, ok beer range. There's worse in town for sure.“
Grumbo 1986 days ago
72 /100 POULTON RD
“Visited 9/2/2019. Pub 4 on the Fleetwood tour and finally a decent pub. Comfortable surrounding, decent service, friendly customers and a decent range of beers. Good food too. All the things you want in a pub.“
Grumbo 1986 days ago
64 /100 171 LORD STREET
“Visited 9/2/2019. Pub 3 on the Fleetwood tour. Large multi room pub/hotel (not sure it it's still the latter), perhaps past its prime. Seemed no reason why they had the music on so loud on a late Saturday afternoon which certainly detracted from the experience. Beer selection not great but best we'd seen up to that point. Service was fine.“
Grumbo 1986 days ago
“Visited 9/2/2019. Pub 2 on the Fleetwood tour. Bright and breezy JDW but not offering much beer wise. Service was ok, atmosphere was fine.“
Grumbo 1986 days ago
44 /100
Steamer (Bar)
“Visited 9/2/2019. First and worst of the pubs we did after leaving the Fleetwood beer festival. Poor uninterested staff, interesting locals, limited beer selection. Not one I'd want to go back to.“
Grumbo 1986 days ago
66 /100 171 LORD STREET
“A well kept lounge bar with adjoining rooms in rather cozy surroundings with many old photos on the walls showing the fishing industries in Fleetwood. Eight cask ales, including the house beer called First Trawl. The draught beers are available in thirds. Loud music, but great to hear Hersham Boys by Sham 69, a tune that is not often heard in pubs (Visited with Finn 07.02.2019).“
Rune 1986 days ago
72 /100 POULTON RD
“Rather large split level pub with an U-shaped bar serving both rooms. Solid cask line with 18 handpumps supported by a fridge with interesting bottles. Good vibe on a Thursday eve. Friendly service. (Visited with Finn 07.02.2019).“
Rune 1987 days ago
54 /100 57 THE ESPLANADE,
“This pub is located right at the seaside. Unfortunately the selection is pretty narrow, but we did manage to get at tick. Lots of families getting their dinner here on a Saturday evening. I will not be going back.“
Rasmus40 1995 days ago
80 /100 POULTON RD
“Easily the best pub in Fleetwood in terms of both ambience and selection. Very good selection of local cask ales including seven new ones for us. All in good condition. We had fish and chips which was good without being great. There was pleasant music and good service as well. If you find yourself in Fleetwood this is the place to go.“
Rasmus40 1995 days ago
56 /100 171 LORD STREET
“Three new local cask ales for us in this pub, but it was not very enjoyable. Two of the beers were not in the best of condition, and they were playing terrible and very loud music.“
Rasmus40 1995 days ago
“Standard JDW with a few local beers. Unfortunately we had had all but one of them already. Not much more to say.“
Rasmus40 1995 days ago
50 /100
Steamer (Bar)
“Five cask beers on at our visit. One was new for us and one of them only had the beer name listed, and when we enquired about who the brewer was the staff had no idea and made no effort of investigating even though it was very quiet. We did get a single tick from Lancashire, which was the only good thing to say about this place.“
Rasmus40 1995 days ago
80 /100 POULTON RD
“Best place by far in Fleetwood. Hd seven new beers here and decent fish’n chips. All beers were in good condition and well served.“
saxo 1995 days ago
“Regular JDW. A bit worn down. Only one local on tap.“
saxo 1995 days ago
50 /100
Steamer (Bar)
“Worn down pub near the water front. Very bad service and staff didn’t even know the name of the brewers on tap, so couldnt rate the beers there except for one.“
saxo 1995 days ago
60 /100 171 LORD STREET
“Average pub with loud and bad music. Had three casks and left fast after. Nit the best of places, but competition is low in Fleetwood.“
saxo 1995 days ago
68 /100 POULTON RD
“A bit off the main drag, and more focus on the food. Steamer and Royal Oak seemed a bit more cozy, and this pkace had a bit more emphasis on the sports on TV. Still had real ales, however, so worth a look.“
stevoj 2268 days ago
74 /100 171 LORD STREET
“Lovely pub on the high street, CAMRA certified. A lot of golden ales on Cask. While the exterior needs work, the interror seems fresh and updated. Nice friendly vibe too. Beer garden out back.“
stevoj 2268 days ago
72 /100
Steamer (Bar)
“Classic pub on the quay, across from the Fleetwood market. Lots of wood and leather. 5 cask ales, all regional. Neighborhood vibe. I feel very comfortable here.“
stevoj 2268 days ago
100 /100 POULTON RD
“Great range of real ales, ciders, continental and world beers available, great pub grub at decent prices. Friendly staff who give good information on the drinks available. Sky and BT sports are shown in the vaults with nice ambiance music in the bistro and lounge bar. My family loves the pub and eat here often, and enjoy sitting in the beer garden during summer.“
lizzygrogan 2328 days ago
58 /100
Steamer (Bar)
“Sister pub to The Royal Oak and Strawberry Gardens, being owned by the fledgling Fleetwood Beer Co. Right by the indoor market and the tram terminal, also the Knott End ferry terminal, so very handy. It has a more down to earth feel than its sibling, more a pub for what’s left of the Fleetwood fishing fleet. A couple of guest beers for interest though and Syd Little’s pantry. Worth a look.“
imdownthepub 2721 days ago
72 /100 171 LORD STREET
“Large, imposing pub on the main drag through Fleetwood by a tram stop. Plenty of room indoors, there was a band playing on our visit but we could find a quiet spot for a chat. Good range of changing beers mainly from Lancashire Breweries. Possibly now the best option in Fleetwood. Very good.“
imdownthepub 2721 days ago
80 /100 171 LORD STREET
“Visited on 10th Sep 2016. This is a proper town pub, large and impressive both outside and inside. One central bar serves the whole semi-open plan pub. Real Ale rules the place, 8 ever changing hand-pulls and 4 ciders too. Friendly staff, CAMRA discount and beers in good condition, what more can you ask for? Fleetwood history hanging from the walls: this pub is a throw back to the 1970’s: liked it a lot.“
BlackHaddock 2875 days ago
80 /100 POULTON RD
“Visited on Saturday afternoon, 10th Sep 2016. Big, solid, traditional pub with two distinct sides, plusher on the left on entering, basic tap room to the right (with a Pool Table at the rear), each with their own bar. Real Ale Mecca with 12 Hand-pulls and a selection of unusual draught Lagers/Pilsners also. Going a bit ’foodie’, but we did not eat.“
BlackHaddock 2875 days ago
54 /100 57 THE ESPLANADE,
“The closest pub to the Marine Hall, home of Fleetwood Beer Festival and thus handy for a sneaky pint and hot food. It’s big and imposing, right near the sea front and the Mount, around which the Fleetwood road system is centred. It does feel a little hotel lobby in the main bar, there is also a pool table bar where the locals gather. With two guest beers there is always chance of a rating.“
imdownthepub 3086 days ago
“Standard sort of Wetherspoons, lots of alcoves in an otherwise big barn. Struggles with serving beer on anything above a couple of people at the bar. You know what you are going to get on entry. Very small range of beers on our visits.“
imdownthepub 4181 days ago
“Just off the main drag where the trams hurtle down to their terminus at the ferry, this Wetherspoon competes against another chain directly across the road. Inside the building feels a little drab compared to others in this chain, but just about comfortable enough. The bar is in the central room area and has two rows of ale pumps to choose from.“
ManVsBeer 4183 days ago
68 /100 POULTON RD
“Large pub towards outer part of town but handy for Fleetwood Beer Festival. It is the Brewery Tap for Fuzzy Duck offering 3 to 4 of their beers plus another 3 to 4 guests. They also sell Meantime lagers through keg. The food is pub grub but filling. Families appear to be welcome.
Updated rating Feb ’13. No longer tied to Fuzzy Duck after a buy out, now owned by a group of which Syd Little and wife are part. There have been improvements and it is much friendlier now. Still the best pub in Fleetwood for us.“
imdownthepub 4183 days ago
100 /100 POULTON RD
“Superb traditional pub, with a choice of 12 real ales and 6 ciders! Excellent food with a very extensive menu. Blackpool & Fylde CAMRA Cider Pub of The Year 2012!“
1964scotty 4380 days ago
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