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Formerly brewed at The Olde Heidelberg Restaurant & Brewery
Style: Pale Lager - American
Heidelberg, Canada


on tap


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RATINGS: 8   MEAN: 2.11/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.22/5   ABV: -
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Maltybones (62) - Calgary, Alberta, CANADA - SEP 29, 2008
On tap from the Olde Heidelberg Inn. Pours a deep golden with moderate carbonation and a small pure white head. Aroma is very light, with small cereal and floral notes. Flavour is quite grainy with a little bit of cooked veggie and some sweetness. Reminds me a lot of Warsteiner Premium Verum. A step up from a North American Macro and better than most house beers, but still pretty bland.

MrManning (2009) - Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA - JUN 11, 2008
On tap at the Olde Heidelberg- This pale lager, now brewed at Brick Brewing Company, using the same Olde Heidelberg recipe from yesteryear, is simply a replacement for the macros with a homebrewed twist, according to the server. This lager tapped golden liquid under a frothy, but short lived white foam. Grainy, sugary, pale malt nose took some time to discern as this was served ice cold. Sweet grainy flavours with a slight floral component from the mild hopping. The finish is, again, grainy with some sweetness and an almost sour flavour comes through right at the end. Just a step above blue or the likes.

pootzboy (2147) - Ontario, CANADA - JUN 30, 2004
I had 3 of these today (one I inhaled) as it was hot and I was on the bike cruising the “minni-country” boondocks all day. The waiter (a dead ringer for the geek in the 50s Black label ads) called it "House amber dry". Amber it was not (more a dark gold) but dry it was… and refreshing under the circumstances. Definitely a light Canadian draft lager. It was marginally superior to the OV or Blue they usually pump out at these retro country draft houses. They serve this stuff fairly cold, which helps cover the rough edges of its short lagering period. Taps a darker gold with a 2cm cap that reduces to a small white ring ...aroma is subdued grainy, musty,… lots of sparkle to the palate, mild malt body and a dry finish with some kind of (Oaks just about nailed it) "funky" after taste. A better than average Canuck draft for the type of place/time/ it represents....a local landmark roadhouse that slings trays full of cold draft to blue collar patrons. With the exception of the picture window brew kettles, the place hasn’t changed since my parents took me here as a kid for pigtail n’ kraut dinners and they say it hasn’t changed a lot since they went there in the 60s.

Cartoonkhaki (1390) - Brantford, Ontario, CANADA - MAR 19, 2003
I went here on Saturday. The Restaurant is odd its 1970s meets 1980s meets 1990s and stops there with tiny German bits here and there. I walk in and find quickly this is a place where I have to seat myself. You can see the copper vats through the window as you walk in through the door. Once inside your greeted with that typical dark wood stain of the late 1970 early 80s. I walk straight ahead through to the next section. There is a shuffle board table and some old people eating. Through to the next section is the bar and everyone stops and looks at me like I was from Mars. Looks up then goes back to talking again. I turn around and decide that the bar isn't were I want to be so I go back to the front section and sit down. They have two people severing you one from the bar and one from the kitchen. The first girl from the bar comes over and asks me what I want and I tell her I want their own beer which she called the "homebrew" Then I ordered a sausage on a kiaser which went well with the beer. Well anyways the beer wasn't much to be desired. Sweet smelling aroma gold colour with no head. Typical but not your typical Molson Canadian or Labatt Blue swill fuller then that. Malty sweet. Nothing special.

Crit (5022) - Surrey, British Columbia, CANADA - JAN 7, 2003
Deep gold,thin fast fading head.Small bead. Just your normal mainstream lager.Nothing special

joeycapps (1468) - Waterdown, Ontario, CANADA - SEP 2, 2002
You would think that a brewery only brewing one beer would try to brew something better. Very typical American standard, perhaps a little fuller bodied than most. Flavours were grainy and I suspect adjuncts were used in the brewing process.

daboskabouter (1469) - Fergus, Ontario, CANADA - JUL 1, 2002
So, I'm driving through mennonite country, horse and buggy and everything (including that familiar country smell of freshly spread manour), when I came upon a brew pub. I walk in and I get a pint of their only beer, which is a lager of course, and I sit down beside an old man. He tells me of his life and about his journey to Canada stowed away on the Queen Mary and something about sandwiches and beer. Anyway, to make a long story short, typical fizzy golden lager, not so typical old school location.

Oakes (30719) - Richmond, British Columbia, CANADA - JUL 1, 2002
A little bit grainy, funky. Maybe fuller bodied than the macros, but not that much different.

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