Enat Tej Winery Reviews

Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
Poured from 750mL bottle (saved from the June 2015 PM tasting). Hazy amber orange with a bit of sediment. Boozy, floral honey, fair bit of fennel on the taste (but not in the aroma).
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
750ml (keister aged by Alex since it was opened in 2015) @ Ryan's. Appearance: copper with some micro parts. Aroma: a lot of honey, woody, very sweet. Taste: sweet, a bit boozy, some red apple skins, a bit tannic. Overall: ok.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
I had the most memorable moments to share this bottle of wine on Oct 6th 2019. It was saved for 12 years before opening from the time the owner give it as a gift. This wine is truly a work of winery. The aroma when opened is amazing. The taste is sensational. It is sweet to taste and vintage to swallow. It is one of the best wine I ever had.
Monday, October 7, 2019


Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
Sweet wine, a little different than ordinary sweet wine from Italy or Ireland,
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
[1/25/17] Bottle at Barcote Ethiopian restaurant in Oakland. Clear golden. Aroma of lots of wine and a bit of spiciness. Very sweet flavor with honey, floral note, a bit of spiciness, a light tart note, and a bit of alcohol. Too sweet.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
Corked bottle from Elizabeth Station, Bellingham
Measured Final Gravity: 1024

Hazy dark blond color. Pedantic mead, some honey aroma and flavor, warming alcohol. Moderate sweetness. I can’t get the plant. More than decent.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
Bottle - Lots of raw honey. Clear gold. Bitter honey notes and a juice like sweet finish. Not bad but finish isn’t great.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
750mL bottle, pours a hazy golden with no head. Nose has got lots of fresh, treacly honey -- lovely aromatics. Flavour is medium-heavy sweet for a mead, with a lovely pronounced tartness that somehow balances out the sweetness. There is the strange hoppiness in here which also balances everything out. Really nice. I don’t really understand the low ratings. Very tasty.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
Bottle. Pours a very clear golden color with almost no head on there whatsoever. Nose has hiney and grains to it and seems a little earthy. Taste is rather sweet and has honey and grains coming through as well. Meh.
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
Bottle, picked up by my wife at an Ethiopian restaurant. Pours still urine yellow. Aroma is honey, citrus fruit, some paint thinner. Flavor is medium sweet and a bit tart on the finish, honey, some zesty bitterness. Light body. Not great.
Monday, September 23, 2013

Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
served chilled, in a chardonnay glass. App: beautiful honey amber. Bouq: honey of course; a slight herbal scent from the gesho. a very slight hint of yeastiness. Bod: medium heavy. Fla: first sip a little strange, not used to the gesho flavor. second sip, bingo! got it. sweet leaning to semi-sweet. gesho is used for bittering (and starting fermentation). gesho=hops in the beer world. excellent balance of honey and gesho. very drinkable! Fin: nice drying honeyish (and maybe pear?) flavor at the ending. very much more-ish. great stuff. at about ten bucks a bottle, a great deal.
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Enat Tej Ethiopian Style Honey Wine Traditional
Still mead. Dark golden color. Aroma is interesting. Immediate aroma of honey, but a faint backend aroma of limberger cheese (I’m assuming that’s the malt/hops as this is my first tej). Pronounced honey flavor mixed with alcohols and again what I assume must be the hop additiona.. Immediate warming in the mouth and throat. Sweetness lingers on the palate for quite some time. Once I’ve had a chance to try some other Tej I may have to re-rate this one.
Sunday, July 5, 2009