Double Trouble Brewing Co. (United Craft) Reviews

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Dry Hopped IPA (Smashed with Cascade)
Clean amber colour with some golden highlights, a big frothy-creamyish, good retention and lots of sticky lacing. Big caramel malt aromas with some grassiness in the background. The hops show more in the taste with a nice dryness, and more of a cereal malt base than caramel. A little more pleasant in the mouth.
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Double Trouble Sucker Punch Tangerine Sour
Way too sour. Artificial tangerine flavoring. Chemical after taste. Medium body texture. Yellow pour with average white head.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Sucker Punch IPA
But better than last sucker Punch. pours yellow with big white head. Light taste of grapes. lively carbonation. medium body. Very sour.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Double Trouble Sucker Punch Red Raspberry Sour
Pours yellow with white head. Chemical smelling and tasting. Watery body texture. Decent carbonation. Sour finish.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Double Trouble Pecan Pie Porter
473ml can. Pours an opaque black with a small, creamy, long lasting, tan head that leaves curtains of lace. Sweet aroma of lightly toasted malt, milk chocolate, caramel, vanilla and pecan. Sweet flavour of roasted malt, dark chocolate, caramel and pecan in a dry, bitter coffee finish. Medium body with an oily texture and soft carbonation. Not bad. A little sweet, but tasty.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Grapefruit IPA
473ml can. Pours a slightly hazy gold with a medium, foamy, short lived, white head that leaves soapy lacing. Sweet fruity aroma of caramel malt, grapefruit and light piney hops. Sweet fruity flavour of caramel malt, orange, grapefruit juice and light piney hops in a dry, bitter finish. Light to medium body with an oily to watery texture and average carbonation. Refreshing, but the grapefruit totally dominates. Drinks more like a strong radler than an ipa.
Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Double Trouble Sucker Punch Red Raspberry Sour
Clear yellow pour, with a large white head. Aroma is super lactic and has a harsh astringency. Light sweetnessx can't say it's specifically raspberry. Finish is chemical, harsh, weirdly lactic and very hitter at the same time with a chemical raspberry note. Jesus this was f'n awful.
Friday, June 9, 2023

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Grapefruit IPA
Pours a clear gold with a decent head with good lacing. Aroma is grapefruit. Taste is much the same with grapefruit zest a some juice as well. Medium bitterness and the slightest candied sweetness at the tail end.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Pineapple IPA
Pours a clear gold with a decent head and minimal lacing. Aroma is heavy pineapple. Taste is front loaded with bitter hoppy flavour that tapers off to a sweeter pineapple finish. Definitely different, almost backwards to most ipa. Biggest drawback is pineapple comes off seeming fake in some way.
Sunday, May 7, 2023

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Dry Hopped IPA (Smashed with Cascade)
473ml can. Pours a clear gold amber with a small, foamy, long lasting, off-white head that leaves soapy curtains of lace. Sweet aroma of toasted caramel malt, orange, grapefruit and floral hops. Sweet flavour of bready caramel malt, orange, lemon and light piney hops in a dry, mild bitter finish. Light to medium body with an oily texture and soft carbonation. Not bad, easy to put back.
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Double Trouble Sucker Punch Red Raspberry Sour
Actual trash. Tastes like a pilsner with sour flavoring thrown in as an afterthought. Probably one of the worst sours I've ever had. Avoid at all costs
Friday, March 17, 2023

Double Trouble Sucker Punch Red Raspberry Sour
Pours a clear gold with a decent head that dies off quickly leaving minor lacing. Aroma is rather muted,m, I would say I can smell the tartness over the fruits. Taste is similar. It drinks quite light and the sour is much more in the forefront, but there is a nice raspberry taste in the tail of it. Low bitterness, but it does linger slightly. Drinks easy, but nothing is really punching me.
Friday, March 10, 2023

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Pineapple IPA
473ml can. Pours a hazy gold amber with a medium, foamy, long lasting, off-white head that leaves soapy curtains of lace. Sweet fruity aroma of grainy pale malt, pineapple, mango, tangerine and floral hops. Sweet flavour of bready pale malt, pineapple, grapefruit, soap and piney hops in a dry, bitter finish. Medium body with an oily texture and average carbonation. This was a miss for me. Too sweet and artificial. Had an off-flavour that tastes like sun tan lotion smells.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers IPA
473ml can. Pours a clear gold amber with a medium, foamy, long lasting, off-white head that leaves thick, soapy curtains of lace. Mild aroma of toasted caramel malt, lemon and floral hops. Sweet flavour of bready caramel malt, grapefruit and piney hops in a dry, bitter finish. Medium body with an oily texture and average carbonation. Kind of boring, could use more kick.
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Dry Hopped IPA (Smashed with Cascade)
Pours a clear copper with a decent frothy head with good retention and minimal lacing. Aroma is pine and citrus. Taste is more pine with some citrus zest. Above average bitterness. Medium carbonation.
Sunday, January 8, 2023

Double Trouble Pecan Pie Porter
Pours a dark brown with a medium tan head that leaves modest lacing. Aroma is roasted nuts. Taste is similar Roasted nuts with some caramel malts. It’s not really my fave, but it pulls off a pecan pie porter well.
Sunday, January 1, 2023

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers IPA
Thursday, October 13, 2022

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers IPA
A strong pine flavour hits you like a truck and lingers too long for my liking. Somewhat bitter but not overly bitter either. The pine is just a little over the top for me. Not my fave but an interesting drink.
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Dry Hopped IPA (Smashed with Cascade)
Can. Clear copper, small off white head. Candied citrus nose, grapefruit zest, very pithy, with a strong caramel malt note. Medium to high bitterness, it's ok, nothing special.. But malt bill, with alot of pine and sweet citrus zest.
Monday, August 1, 2022

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers IPA
Sunday, July 24, 2022

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Crimes of Passionfruit IPA
Can from the local YIG. Hazy yellow pour, with a medium white head. Pungent aroma, wet grass, freshly cut grass, sweet passionfruit, some citrus. Mouth feel is thin, and carb is standard. Medium to high bitterness, quite pithy, passionfruit notes fade, and lead to just lemon zest, and light cereals.
Friday, October 15, 2021

Double Trouble Pecan Pie Porter

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Double Trouble Pecan Pie Porter

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Pineapple IPA
Can. Slightest big of hazy yellow, with a large white head. Pina colada aroma, juicy, very very bitter, but oddly sweet, but not in a good way. I'm having a hard time finding any malts, some light citrus. This is a mess.
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Pineapple IPA
Bitter pineapple, kinda ass.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Extra Delicious IPA
Canned from loblaws. Clear amber body and big white head. The aroma has tropical fruit and the taste is bland. Slight sweet pine in the finish.
Saturday, May 15, 2021

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Sucker Punch IPA
Cloudy bright golden color and a white head. Restrained nose, faint funky. Taste is tart, fruity, citric with a sour-hoppy finish
Monday, April 26, 2021

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers IPA

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Pineapple IPA
Nope, not for me. Pours cloudy gold with a small white top. Aroma is pineapple. Taste is overload on pineapple, just too sweet for me. Given to me and wish I didn't get it.
Monday, January 11, 2021

Double Trouble Pecan Pie Porter

Monday, December 28, 2020

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Grapefruit IPA
Can. Clear pale copper in colour with medium carbonation. Single-minded aroma of pink grapefruit candies. More of the pink grapefruit candy thing happening on the palate, along with some full pale malt and mild pine. Medium bodied with a slightly astringent bitterness. Simplistic, and a bit "artificial" tasting.
Friday, September 18, 2020

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Pineapple IPA

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Double Trouble Pecan Pie Porter
山核桃派波特 黑色酒体 棕色泡沫 酒体顺滑 口感中等 香气为巧克力和咖啡 味道以碧根坚果为主 苦甜适中 尾韵悠长
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Pineapple IPA
Heavy pinapple tast. Would not drink too many. Different. Good
Monday, July 20, 2020



Double Trouble Pecan Pie Porter
[Can (473ml)] Pours a dark brown with an average size lasting frothy light-brown head. Some lacing. Aroma of roasted malt, nuts, some choclate, lactose and light leafy hops. Sweet flavour of roasted malt, chocolate, lactose and nuts. Average to medium bodied. Pretty good, a bit sweet but I liked it enough.
Monday, June 22, 2020


Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Pineapple IPA
can. Poured hazy amber with a rocky white head. Sweet aroma of candied tropical fruits. Medium bodied, creamy carbonation, finish is tart and dry leaving a refreshing juicy mouthfeel. Flavour of biscuity malts with sweet and tart fruits, notes of peach, pineapple, and bitter pithy grapefruit, hint of lactose.
Thursday, May 28, 2020


Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Pineapple IPA
Tall can from LCBO. Pours a good size frothy off-white head and has a slightly hazy pale golden appearance. Thick dirty lacing. Lively carbonation. Aromas of wheat, yeast, floral and grassy hops. Flavours are piney and grassy, tropical fruits, but the pineapple eventually appears and becomes quite overpowering. Some slight bitterness on the palate. Somewhat dry mouthfeel.
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Grapefruit IPA
can. Poured clear amber with a pink hue, frothy white head. Aroma of grapefruit juice. Medium bodied, creamy carbonation, lingering dry finish. Pale malt base with bitter sweet grapefruit flavour and clementines, herbal bitter hops throughout.
Monday, April 20, 2020

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Sucker Punch IPA
Pours a clean golden colour with a frothy white cap, good stay and some wavy lacing. Cilantro nose with other grasses. Some oranges and caramel malts in the background. The taste is quite sour with some grape notes. When this dies down, some light yeast is left on the tongue. Gets a tad hazy at last pour. An interesting Sour-IPA.
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Double Trouble Pecan Pie Porter

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers Pineapple IPA
473 ml can from the LCBO. Pours a cloudy bright golden colour with moderate-sized white head. Aroma is sweet juicy pineapple, grains and some grapefruit. Flavour has pineapple juice, a sort of lavender floral character, grapefruit and grains. Reminds me of a tropical sunscreen. Which is interesting but I’ll admit wasn’t exactly what I was looking for in a beer.
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Double Trouble Hops & Robbers IPA
Pours copper with average white head. Average carbonation. Bit of a fuller body beer. Taste of pine followed by sweet finish to kill the taste of piny hops, creating no after taste lingering.
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Double Trouble Revenge of the Ginger
Not a fan of ginger flavour so can't really properly judge this one. Pours amber color with beige head. Way too gingery. Makes it spicy as well and bites at you. Lively carbonation. Medium body.
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Double Trouble Fire in the Rye
Pours copper colour with average head. Medium body with medium sweetness to it. Aroma of rye hops. Bit of a bitter finish. Both aroma and taste of citrus but only mildly.
Saturday, December 7, 2019