Taylors Restaurant & Brewery Reviews

Taylors Pale Ale
Very nice dark golden color, draft. Not much of aroma. Taste is lite sweetness and sligth bitter. Lite body. Slick and abrupt. Tastes soapy. Watered down beer. Description says intense hop palate; I think my tap water is more intense than this. Did they forget to add the hops?
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Taylors Old Stumbler
Date: 12/02/2005
Mode: Draft
Source: Brewfest, Strong Ale Fest

dark amber, thin tan head, sweet malty aroma with earthy hops, big bitter hop flavor on a big dry malt base, hint of sweetness and a bit of tartness in the finish

Aroma: 5/10; Appearance: 6/10; Flavor: 6/10; Palate: 5/10; Overall: 10/20
Rating: 2.7/5.0
Drinkability: 6/10
Score: *4

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Taylors Old Stumbler
On tap at the 10th Annual San Diego Strong Ale Festival: Pours a transparent dark copper mahogany with a thin coating of light tan head. Sweet caramel malty and soy sauce aroma has some toasty grainy notes and tart fruity character. Body starts sticky and sweet with some earthy, almost vegetal notes toward a warming sweet caramel finish with a touch of raisin flavor. Has some decent complexities, but too many off-flavors.
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Taylors India Pale Ale
Great pour; golden orange with a firm white head. Nice lacing. Aroma is piney hops with a little malt. Taste is good, nice hope bite with a weak finish. My rating may be a bit inflated as I started my evening with the ass-in-your-mouth Lite Ale and Hefe. Compared to those, this one was awesome.
Monday, May 15, 2006

Taylors Lite Ale
I don’t know why I even bothered. Looks just like a Coors Light with the aroma of a Miller Lite. Lots of corn and metal, with a finish that tastes just like Rice Crispies.
Monday, May 15, 2006

Taylors Hefeweizen
I hate it when a brewer sasy their beer is a German Hefe, but it tastes like an American Wheat. Pour is cloudy gold with a decent white head. Aroma is all wheat. No banana, cloves, or yeast in the flavor. All wheat and honey. Blahhhh.
Monday, May 15, 2006

Taylors Nut Brown
Called James Brown Draft at brewery in Mission Beach, CA: Mahogany color, ruby edges, thick retentive head, very thick. The nose is dusty with some roast and oats in the taste. The flavor is lightly hoppy with a smooth creamy mouthfeel like nitro but it’s not. Best of the bunch.
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Taylors India Pale Ale
Draft at brewery in Mission Beach, CA: Bronze color, nose of citrusy grassy hops, very subtle malt. The flavor is lightly sweet, strong alcohol taste and the finish is light and watery. The nose is going for it, but the rest is ho=hum
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Taylors Amber
Draft at brewery in Mission Beach, CA: Amber color, light head/lacing. Nose of grassy hops, nutty caramel malt and diacetyl. The flavor is decent with some chewy body and a light bitterness. Dusty stale finish. Not good to drink either. Old lines?
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Taylors Hefeweizen
Draft at brewery in Mission Beach, CA: Light hazy yellow, no head. Nose of rotten fruit and spoiled wheat. Smelling this conjures up the memory about how prone rye is to botulism. Ugh. The wheat is crap, the flavor is dirty with honey and wheat husk and all sorts of bad things. Wow, bad, couldn’t finish without gagging.
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Taylors Lite Ale
Harry’s Gold Draft at brewery in Mission Beach, CA: Goldish, the nose is husky with some metallic notes and light malts. Low hops in the flavor and a moderately sweet finish. A middle of the road gold.
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Taylors Old Stumbler
Draft, 2005 PP Strong Ale Fest. Brown clear pour with small head. Moderate caramel malt aroma with a fair bit of fruits. Sweet caramel flavors, more fruits. Cloying with only a medium body.
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Taylors Old Stumbler
Dark reddish brown appearance, fruity aroma. Charred bready malt flavor, mildly fruity, minimal bitterness. Pretty simple for a barley wine.
Friday, February 3, 2006

Taylors Amber
Lightly hazed reddish brown. Sweet fruity aroma. Light fruit palate, pretty sweet, touches of caramel. A fairly mild straightforward amber.
Friday, February 3, 2006

Taylors Hefeweizen
Clouded yellow appearance. Mildly spiced clove aroma. Fairly well spiced palate, clove and white pepper, not much else though.
Friday, February 3, 2006

Taylors Pale Ale
Lightly hazed, pale copper appearance. Citrussy aroma, fruity orange. Orange and lemony flavor, mild biscuity malt. Citrus and light greafruit in the finish.
Friday, February 3, 2006

Taylors Lite Ale
Clouded pale golden appearance, lemony aroma. Sweet fruity lemon flavor with dryish finish.
Friday, February 3, 2006

Taylors Old Stumbler
Draft - Dark brown, light aroma, very small head. This is a very malty brew and quite smooth. The 9.8% alcohol is very well masked. I wouldn’t have guessed it was that high. Served in pints at Taylor’s, that gives it quite a kick.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Taylors Old Stumbler
9th Annual San Diego Strong Ale Fest: Clear dark brown with an off-white head. Aroma was fruity with some toasted sweet malt. Grapey flavor. Sweet and malty. Mouthfeel was flat and smooth. Nice warming sensation. There was something about this beer that I just wasn’t thrilled about.

10th Annual SD Strong Ale Fest: Close enough.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Taylors Old Stumbler
Sampled at the Pizza Port 9th Strong Ale Festival. Brownish color, small head, aroma favors sweet malt. Candy sweet flavor profile, medium bodied, good balance. A real nice BW.
Sunday, December 4, 2005

Taylors Old Stumbler
Had this last night at the Pizza Port strong ale fest in carlsbad. Nose has strong apple cider notes, color is like root beer with no head. Mouth has vanilla and roasted flavors with a dry finish. Quite nice.
Sunday, December 4, 2005

Taylors Amber
(Draft: Taylor’s Restaurant and Brewery in San Diego, CA) Just a few blocks from my home, and 1/2 a block from the beach, Taylor’s is still one of those places I rarely visit. But on this glorious Sunday afternoon, I’m sittin’ on the rooftop deck, enjoying the sunshine and crashing waves. Unfortunately, I’m can’t say I’m enjoying the beer nearly as much. This amber is moderately malty, lightly toasty, but with barely any sweetness. It’s tangy and fairly bitter, but not especially hoppy per se. The aroma is lightly malty and equally lightly hoppy. Medium amber color and slightly hazy in the sunshine. Light tan head is small, but the beer was served right to the top of the pint glass, so who knows how much head would normally be present if left to its own devices. I had to check to see if this was an amber ale or lager, because it surely tastes more like a lager to me, but nope, it’s an ale all right.
Sunday, January 30, 2005

Taylors Oatmeal Stout
(Draft: Taylor’s Restaurant and Brewery in San Diego, CA) One of their rotating seasonals, this is not an impressive beer at all. They call it an oatmeal stout, but it’s dry and roasty like an Irish stout, but with ever so slight oatmeal flavor. Likewise, the nose is dry and roasty, but not very aromatic at all. The palate is way too thin and too carbonated for an oatmeal stout, and doesn’t have much more body than their amber. Dark brown in color and fully opaque at the edges. Quarter inch of light tan head fades to a sheen, leaving no lace in the process. This isn’t a terrible beer, it’s surely drinkable, but it’s a poor attempt at an oatmeal stout in my opinion.
Sunday, January 30, 2005

Taylors Amber
Draft at brewpub. Slightly hazy copper color, long lasting off--white head with some lacing. Nice hoppy nose, malty flavor with good hop bite - unchallenging but a solid brew. medium body, creamy carbonation.
Friday, December 17, 2004

Taylors Lite Ale
Draft at brewpub. Clear golden color with a creamy white head. Mile malty aroma, light citrus notes. Sweet malty sweetness and a modest hop bite. Light body and creamy carbonation. An unchallenging brew, not bad with food.
Friday, December 17, 2004

Taylors Nut Brown
Draft at brewpub. My favorite of the Taylors offerings. Dark brown, clear with mahogany highlight. Pleasing rasty malt aroma, almost porterish. Lots of flavor compared to other brews, roasty malts, good bitterness, hints of charcoal and chocolate. Nice smooth mouthfeel, medium to full body and pleasant carbonation.
Friday, December 17, 2004

Taylors Pale Ale
Tap at brewpub. Nice clear copper color with a reasonable off-white head and some lacing. Mild malty aroma - not much else. Indistinct pale ale flavor, little bit of maltiness, little bit of hoppiness, thin and watery. Thin body and pleasant carbonation. This would definitely be a non-challenging, drink in quantity San Diego warm evening brew.
Friday, December 17, 2004

Taylors Hefeweizen
On tap at brewpub. Hazy light golden, little to no head.Sweet fruity, yeasty nose. Fruity flavor, wheat and banana, a little hoppiness, somewhat metallic, bit of spice and noticible alcohol. Light to medium body and minimal carbonation.
Friday, December 17, 2004

Taylors Lite Ale
On tap at Taylor’s. Poured a clear and light golden color with a small white head. Crappy light beer - I don’t need to say any more...
Thursday, December 2, 2004

Taylors Oatmeal Stout
On tap at Taylor’s. Hmmm, an Oatmeal stout? Looks like one - poured a dark black with a small tan head. No other real strong aromas or tastes. Very light chocolate and roasted malts. Fizzy and thin body.
Thursday, December 2, 2004

Taylors Hefeweizen
On tap at Taylor’s. Poured a medium, hazy yellow with a small white head. Subtle aromas and tastes of fruits and spices. Thin body.
Thursday, December 2, 2004

Taylors Pale Ale
On tap at Taylor’s. Poured a medium orange color with a very small off white head. Ligh hops (citrus and maybe some flowers). No real flavors or aromas stand out. Watery body. Nothing special.
Thursday, December 2, 2004

Taylors Amber
On tap at Taylor’s. Poured a medium amber color with no head. Lightly sweet a very light hops. Nothing stands out. Thin and watery.
Thursday, December 2, 2004

Taylors Hefeweizen
Sampled at the Pizza Port Strong Ale Fest 2003. Light gold color, Medium head. Aroma is fruity and sweet. A medium bodied Hefeweizen. This is more like a pilsner than a hefe, as there was no real banana and clove thing going. But it is a big bold pilsner at that. Malts are fruity and sweet. Hops are slightly spicy. Nicely balanced. Smooth taste. Wish more people would make this kind of pilsner/hefe. Mouthfeel is full and round. Finish is clean and smooth. Aftertaste is slightly bitter
Friday, January 9, 2004

Taylors Hefeweizen
Cloudy/Tang-like appearance...Orange juice/wheaty flavor, orange soda-like aftertaste, One of the best at Terrific Pacific and I hate Hefeweizens, so...That's not saying too much
Thursday, November 21, 2002

Taylors Strawberry Blonde
Artificial strawberry aroma, golden color with a lasting white head, flavor very similiar to freezer burnt strawberry ice cream...ending in a bitter hoppy finish
Thursday, November 21, 2002

Taylors Pale Ale
I'm sorry but...NOT A PALE ALE imo, grappish aroma with a pale color and small head, unpleasant acidic/bitter hop taste (what type of hops I do not know, but stay away), Just not a pale ale experience in the least
Thursday, November 21, 2002

Taylors Nut Brown
Nice brown color with a thin but disappearing head, slightly nutty aroma, Bitter but roasted nut flavor and a noticeable alcohol background, slightly hoppy finish
Thursday, November 21, 2002

Taylors Amber
Nice brownish color but little head, significant bitter hop presence & a bitter finish
Tuesday, June 11, 2002