Mass Wetherspoons Tasting - Return of the Magnificent 7


Mass online tasting session during the Wetherspoons Beer Festival.

Cost: Free

No contact information provided


cgarvieuk 4/14/2010
Ok my plan is to head out with the Whole familly for tea. So i suspect ill be there about 4-6 Well blow me if there isnt just seven people attending at the moment
Bullit 4/9/2010
I'll be at various Wetherspoons in city centre Glasgow.
Rune 4/5/2010
I’ll be at Anfield on Monday, April 19 to give West Ham some support and will be drinking at Wetherspoons bars in Liverpool and Manchester 18-22 April.
bobinlondon 4/1/2010
I should be posting from Spoons in Watford, Stanmore, Harrow, Rayners Lane and Hatch End. Join in the fun and let's see how many pubs we can cover in our nation wide crawl.
imdownthepub 3/30/2010
Get along to your local Spoons and join in the fun.

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