Alesmith BA Wee Heavy Release 2011


The newest batch of AleSmith barrel-aged beer will be released on Wednesday, January 26th. This well-aged 2009 batch of Wee Heavy rested in Bourbon barrels for close to a year.
For those who wish to hang out, we invite you to our Tasting Bar (open 10am-5pm for the occasion). The MIHO Gastrotruck will begin serving (with a Wee Heavy inspired dish) at 1:30pm and plan to hang around for a couple of hours.

There will be a purchase limit of four bottles per person, pending turnout. We want to make sure that everyone has a great time & gets a chance to get some of this highly-anticipated beer, so we reserve the right to change the limit as the sale progresses. We will begin handing out numbers at 10am and the bottle sale will begin at 2:00pm, allowing you time to leave and return if need be.

No contact information provided


polkaudio 1/27/2011
Was a good turn out. Met a lot of great beer drinkers and sampled some amazing beers.
SP23 1/24/2011
peteinSD 1/23/2011
it would be nice to put some faces with names - if anyone wants to meet for a beer (i'll bring a bottle or two) just send me a BM.
Snojerk321 1/20/2011
$20 a bottle I assume?
JoeTheYounger 1/19/2011

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