t0rin0’s "fourth" annual Labor Day tasting


No whales needed, no ticks needed, just show up with a beer (or as much as you want) and some food. I’ll have 2 gas grilles and a charcoal grill if anyone wants to cook on those as well as access to the stove and microwave inside if anyone needs those.

Could definitely use some lawn chairs and easy ups. Will have the keg fridge running if anyone wants to bring homebrew kegs (pin lock only right now). 1pm as a starting time again. Anyone interested?

Contact t0rin0 for more info.

Cost: beer + food

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wutangfinancial 8/15/2012
Wrong...WRONG, ticks needed!
SP23 8/9/2012
I will be sure to wear my sun glasses as to avoid those deadly sun rays. You know how much I hate them.

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