12 Brewers, 12 Casks, 12 Mallets


Today, just for San Diego Beer Week, you can get three months’ worth of extra-special Stone casks in just two hours, and you can meet all 12 brewers who created them, too!

...don’t forget to come back next Thursday for our regularly scheduled Brewer’s Cask!

Check out these 12 awesome brewers and their casks:
Brendan Lake
* Stone IPA w/Palisade Hops, Apricots & Chili Peppers

Casey Harris
* Stone IPA w/Agave Nectar, American Oak & Ancho Chilies

Cecil Menasco
* Bastardized Bastard Ale: American Oak & Chocolate Habanero Peppers

Hollie Stephenson
* Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale w/Bitter Chocolate, Macadamia Nuts, Cinnamon, Cloves, Vanilla, & Chipotle Peppers

Jason Smith
* Bastardized Bastard Ale: French Oak & Vanilla Bean

Justin Clemente
* Stone Cali-Belgique IPA w/Orange Peel & Sorachi Ace Hops

Laura Ulrich
* Stone Smoked Porter w/Vanilla Bean

Matt Courtright
* Stone Levitation Ale w/Cherries & Pineapple Sage

Reed Miller
* Stone Ruination IPA w/Grilled Pineapple

Rian Van Nordheim
* Stone Sublimely Self Righteous Ale w/Espresso Beans

Rick Blankemeier
* Stone Smoked Porter w/Chai Spice & Cocoa Nibs

Rod Burguiere
* Stone Smoked Porter w/Toasted Coconut & Thai Chilies




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