RateBeer DC March Tasting


Please bring CHEESE, CRACKERS, BREAD, SAUSAGE, PICKLES, OLIVES and not just beer or we will all pass out and die. There is a Whole Foods across the street from my apartment so you can last minute pickup these items.

No need to bring glassware.

Also, PSA, please open and pour all beer in the kitchen to avoid unnecessary carpet spillage. Past offenders have been RYAN, BRAD, and random people I did not invite.

Cost: bring food, maybe beer


BM me
BM me


biggirlpanties 3/5/2013
Thanks for coming, good to see you all!
MrChopin 3/4/2013
Thanks GT and Whitney!
Huhzubendah 3/4/2013
A great time indeed. Thanks!
Travlr 3/4/2013
Thank you GT, Whitney & Keanu for hosting!
GT 3/3/2013
Great tasting everyone, thanks for attending

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