Perrin Cooper Series Release


By now the whole world knows that West Michigan is the home of some truly unique beers, which is why it’s so exciting when we get to bring you something so rare that we get giddy just talking about it.

On Tuesday, June 3rd, our friends from Perrin Brewing Company are releasing all four beers in their Cooper Series at the Kalamazoo Beer Exchange and you’re invited. Each one was aged in medium-toasted American Oak barrels, which means tonight, like Ron Burgundy, is a pretty big deal. Just look at this lineup:

Hopwood (Double IPA)

Stoutwood (Russian Imperial Stout)

Redwood (Dry Hooped Imperial Red)

Quadwood (Belgian Quad)

What makes these brew so special is all that had to be overcome for them even to exist. The barrels used to store and age this series are incredibly hard to come by, both because of their costliness and because almost all that are even made in this style are allocated for wineries. Perrin just happens to know a cooper (aka barrel maker) who crafted barrels especially for Perrin and this brewing. How cool is that?

You can see why we’re so pumped! Mark the date on your calendars now, share the event with your friends, and get ready for an evening well-spent with some one-of-a-kind Michigan craft beers.



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