2009 Bike & Brew Spring Invitational


Well its 2009 and the weather is terrible and the bike riding is miserable, but the beer is tasting better than ever. Much like taxes and erectile dysfunction, spring weather is inevitable. What better way to embrace this change than with a little bike ride?

I would like to personally invite you all to join me Sunday May 3rd for the 2009 Bike and Brew Spring Invitational.

No need to pack your palates, we will be touring the lighter side of Seattle by hitting some of the cities most infamous dive bars. Here is the short list:

1. Über Tavern

2. Buckaroo

3. Blue Moon

4. Roanoke

5. Comet

6. 9lb Hammer

7. Pioneer Square Saloon

8. Nitelight

9. Mecca

10. Sloop

11. Dray

12. Über Tavern

We will be starting at Uber at noon. Those with true grit will be doing the entire ride, but feel free to meet up with us at the bar of your choice. As usual we’ll be stopping off for food and other distractions along the way.

There will be a pre-registration for those people interested in a commemorative t-shirt. Swing by Uber and give the bartender 20 bucks, your name and shirt size and we’ll take care of the rest.

Cost: 0


[email protected]


SuzyGreenberg 4/8/2009
taking the plunge this year.....glad i have health insurance ;)

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