Danish Summer Gathering 2009


The Second Official Danish Ratebeer Summer Gathering 2009 (TSODRBSG09)

Bring some beers for others to taste

Saturday the 22th of august @ our place in Ulfborg, in the western part of Denmark

It will be a summer tasting for ratebeerians

We will start around 13.00 which suits with trains arrivals both from north/east & south

It will be possible to sleep at our place, either on the floor or in tents. You will have to bring your own sleeping gear. (We have a few tents and mattress that a few of you can borrow, this is mainly a offer/help for people traveling by train or plain)

3½ km from our place there is a camp site, Rejkjær Camping, where it also will be possible to rent holiday cabins

- You will have to bring a couple of beers for the tasting and some cheess and crips for snacks

- We will have some sandwiches for lunch at arrival

- In the evenning we will do a barbeque, Is on a Dutch party basis, we will do the shopping and we share the costs

Form to put in beers you will bring to TSODRBSG09

Cost: Is on a Dutch party basis


Jan Bolvig


Pinball 8/20/2009
MIP jep, det er der, det bruges ihvertfald tit til noget af brygprocessen (filtrering eller noget, jeg kan ikke huske det). Mit problem med fisk er at jeg er kræsen - kan ikke li’ smagen. Så øl med fisk i er fint med mig så længe det ikke smager af
MiP 8/19/2009
Der er fiskeblærer i øl. Jeg siger det bare...
Plovmand 8/19/2009
Freak :-) Du kan da overleve på øl alene, Dennis!
Christian 6/11/2009
At last I have managed to get all my beer entered into the beer cellar system here. Let me know if there is anything you want me to bring. I'll probably also be bringing some from GBBF.
Nightfall 6/1/2009
I will probably be in Denmark (2 days in Copenhagen and then in Videbaek), but probably on different dates. If I manage to take my leave from work on different dates I will be there and will be bringing along some beers :D
rolickstamp293 5/25/2009
If some one else is coming by car from Sjælland then I will most likely be able to come. Or I start biking a few days before this event.....
fonefan 4/28/2009
I might come, see how I feel on the day...

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