Billy Beer

Reads 3005 • Replies 18 • Started Tuesday, September 11, 2007 3:38:52 PM CT

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beers 2659 º places 27 º 15:38 Tue 9/11/2007

So for lunch I tried this random place in town for the 1st time called Nubian Queen Lola’s Cajun Kitchen and near the register in a display case they had a six pack of canned "BILLY" beer. Friend at lunch said it had to do with Jimmy Carter’s brother. It seemed to have pull tops on it. Anybody know anything about this beer?

beers 320 º places 11 º 15:40 Tue 9/11/2007
the funniest thing about this, is that my friend Billy (BillVanE on this site) told me about it.

beers 1064 º places 16 º 15:41 Tue 9/11/2007

According to my dad and uncle, it was THEE best beer ever. In 1977.

beers 1490 º places 271 º 15:43 Tue 9/11/2007

If you can buy one, DEFINITELY worth 50-100 bucks as despite being a crap lager, its aging has converted it to something beyond Westvleteren.

beers 6263 º 15:50 Tue 9/11/2007

From the American Breweriana Association archives, Billy Beer was a beer that was first brewed by the Falls City Brewing Company of Kentucky and promoted by Billy Carter, brother of then-President Jimmy Carter. Introduced during late 1977, the beer saw dismal sales figures while in production, but at least two billion cans were produced between 1977 and 1979.

Billy beer was produced by four breweries via branding franchise:

1) Falls City Brewing Company
2) Cold Spring Brewing
3) West End Brewing
4) Pearl Brewing Company

Billy Carter was selected as spokesperson for the beer because his brother was president and it was widely known that he enjoyed drinking beer. However, it was also fairly widely known that his brand of choice was Pabst Blue Ribbon.

After Billy Beer stopped production, advertisements appeared in newspapers offering to sell Billy Beer cans for several hundred to several thousands of dollars each. Merv Griffin even featured a 12-oz can during his talk show and added to the high value hoax. However, since the cans were produced in the billions, the current value of one can ranges from 25 cents to one dollar, whether it is full of beer, empty or smashed.

beers 40 º places 1 º 15:53 Tue 9/11/2007

Originally posted by lb4lb
So for lunch I tried this random place in town for the 1st time called Nubian Queen Lola’s Cajun Kitchen and near the register in a display case they had a six pack of canned "BILLY" beer. Friend at lunch said it had to do with Jimmy Carter’s brother. It seemed to have pull tops on it. Anybody know anything about this beer?

My God. That stuff is alleged to be some of the worst swill ever brewed.

I had a great-uncle named Willie, a Southern boy who used to spend all day boozing on cheap beer. Nobody ever proposed to name a brand in HIS honor, but then there haven’t been any presidents in my family.

beers 2659 º places 27 º 15:54 Tue 9/11/2007

Originally posted by fly
If you can buy one, DEFINITELY worth 50-100 bucks as despite being a crap lager, its aging has converted it to something beyond Westvleteren.

Hehe, ya, I figured as much. It looked like a lot of thought and care went into the making of that beer. I can only imagine what 30 years could do for a lager.

beers 40 º places 1 º 15:54 Tue 9/11/2007

Originally posted by fly
If you can buy one, DEFINITELY worth 50-100 bucks as despite being a crap lager, its aging has converted it to something beyond Westvleteren.

If the Sub-Genius tells you so, you know it’s the truth.

beers 2271 º places 279 º 16:02 Tue 9/11/2007

A sports bar here in Nashville has it for $100 per can

beers 3499 º places 102 º 16:12 Tue 9/11/2007

Between the ages of 7 and 10, I had a hobby collecting beer cans (must have been some sort of foreshadowing).
My dad played alot of softball back then (1977-1980) and everyone drank like mad at the parks (unlike today, times have certainly changed...the pitcher used to keep a can in his mitt!)

Anyway, stuffed somewhere in my parent’s garage is an empty of Billy Beer. probably all rusty by now.

beers 2659 º places 27 º 16:15 Tue 9/11/2007

Originally posted by illinismitty
A sports bar here in Nashville has it for $100 per can

wow, so fly wasn’t kidding eh?