Coors Light moves up to 2nd best selling beer in the U.S.

Reads 5240 • Replies 14 • Started Tuesday, January 10, 2012 10:36:00 AM CT

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beers 2074 º places 37 º 10:36 Tue 1/10/2012
beers 1592 º places 63 º 10:38 Tue 1/10/2012

I really need to drink more millered lite.

beers 3533 º places 95 º 10:54 Tue 1/10/2012

All those lite beers and yet the fattys dominate the landscape.

Nothing more weird than seeing an obese ham armed guy ordering a bud shite with hsi grease-burger at The Ram.

Yeah thats gonna help a lot buddy

beers 11050 º places 464 º 10:56 Tue 1/10/2012

^^^^^ thats funny shit Reid!

beers 7365 º places 487 º 11:06 Tue 1/10/2012

Coors Light is my least favorite beer in the world. Even before I drank craft beer I hated it, it gives me horrible headaches, I could drink 17 Busch Lights and feel better the next day then having a six pack of the weasel piss that is Coors Light

beers 353 º places 60 º 11:42 Tue 1/10/2012

It proves 2 things about Americans. Being able to actually taste what you eat or drink is something that is feared, and it’s much more an alcohol delivery mechanism.

beers 2845 º 11:49 Tue 1/10/2012

Originally posted by Reid
All those lite beers and yet the fattys dominate the landscape.

Nothing more weird than seeing an obese ham armed guy ordering a bud shite with hsi grease-burger at The Ram.

Yeah thats gonna help a lot buddy

Kinda like ordering a double cheeseburger with a large drink and complaining about the syrup in the Diet Coke being low.

beers 4373 º places 76 º 11:57 Tue 1/10/2012

I don’t think most people are really drinking light beer because they’re trying to keep the calories low.... or am I missing something? Maybe "ultra lights" but I think people drink Bud Light and shit because it’s "easy drinking" and doesn’t taste too beery, but will get you drunk.... or because that’s what they’ve been socially conditioned to like.

places 72 º 12:03 Tue 1/10/2012

Originally posted by CanIHave4Beers
I think people drink Bud Light and shit because it’s "easy drinking" and doesn’t taste too beery, but will get you drunk.... or because that’s what they’ve been socially conditioned to like.

Ding ding ding

beers 3744 º places 66 º 14:06 Tue 1/10/2012

Originally posted by BlackIPA
-- We’re No. 2! Coors Light surpassed Budweiser in 2011 to become the country’s second-bestselling beer, according to the trade publication Beer Marketer’s Insights. The milestone comes after years of declines by Budweiser, the only full-calorie beer in the top five U.S. beers. Bud Light is the top-selling beer by a sizable margin. Miller Lite is fourth, with Natural Light rounding out the top five. Coors Light has been posting slow but steady growth. Coors Light sales grew 0.8%, to 18.3 million barrels in 2011, while Bud sales declined 4.6% to 17.7 million barrels.

This says something bad and good about our country:
Bad) As mentioned before; we want to get drunk and are looking for an avenue that will allow us to do that with as little calories as possible (taste doesn’t matter)
Good) We are finally looking at ourselves and realizing we have to be more healthy and lose weight.
I think the bad outweighs the good, but I’m glad it’s not 100% one sided

beers 5569 º places 143 º 14:14 Tue 1/10/2012

I’m enjoying the name of the article: "Consumer Confidential: Twinkies, Coors Light, colon cleansing"

For me, either of the first two would most certainly result in the third!