IP trade (through hotel reception) in St. Louis? July 7th.

Reads 460 • Replies 4 • Started Thursday, June 26, 2014 7:58:26 AM CT

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beers 14777 º places 247 º 07:58 Thu 6/26/2014

Hey guys, it seems as if this isn’t the busiest forum, but I’ll try it anyway.

A friend of mine is going on a business trip to St. Louis. She is no beer geek, although she likes her Orval and Karmeliet. She will have absolutely no time whatsoever to go beer hunting, pub crawling, or whatsoever. But she’s crazy enough to want to bring Belgian beer to St. Louis, put it at the hotel reception, and bring back the US bottles that are left there instead.

I tried contacting some of the locals with most ratings and some trading history, but after showing initial interest, they seem to be ignoring my further requests to make an IP trade.

ISO: whatever. I do like a good fresh (I)IPA and don’t like US sours usually. Other than that, if it has a decent score, and it’s a new tick, I’ll probably agree. Doesn’t need to be local, anything stateside is fine.

FT: a bunch of stuff. My RB cellar is not complete, but together with this Google doc it sorta (!) is: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TzDWj-u_-Jjf1KegkmcnKBaseI-84xC1cdmgR_m0YZU/edit?usp=sharing

My cellar is at my parents place, there’s most of my stuff. I will be there ONLY on Sunday afternoon (which is early morning for you guys), so I would need your requests by then.

Anyone interested? Please pm, and don’t wait too long. :-)


beers 8457 º places 152 º 19:00 Sat 6/28/2014

Tim, I will bump this one and maybe someone else will take note.

beers 14777 º places 247 º 23:34 Sat 6/28/2014

Ok, thnx! In 9 hours, I’ll leave my parents place, and I’ll check rb again. I’ll take home with me whatever someone wants and we can work out trade details later then...

beers 14777 º places 247 º 12:30 Thu 7/3/2014

Well, there goes nothing. Too bad, cause it would have saved a lot of shipping cost both ways...

beers 16552 º places 794 º 12:32 Thu 7/3/2014

The St. Louis people are over at stlhops.com. They don’t really look at this forum.