Brauereigasthof Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Reviews

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Tap in Steinkrug. Soft roast in the aroma. Roasty, caramelly and malty flavor, but also dry. Well balanced and brewed beer.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Vom Faß im Schwanen-Bräu in Ebing. Wer hier ein Bier bestellt, bekommt automatisch das Dunkle - ein anderes gibt es nicht. - Schön kastanienbraun mit goldenen Reflexen, klar. - Nase nur blaß dunkelmalzig mit ein wenig Nuß. - Im Antrunk schönes Dunkel- und Toastmalz mit Karamel. Zart zitronige Hopfenspitzen. Durchschnittlich rezent, also für meinen Geschmack deutlich zuviel Kohlensäure; schlank. Abgang dunkelmalzbitter mit Colanuß aber ohne Hopfenaromen. Gut malzbitterer Nachtrunk. - Auch nur ein durchschnittliches Dunkles, zwar kräftig malzig und vor allem malzbitter aber hart im Mund, ohne besonderen Tiefgang und unterhopft. Jedenfalls kein Bier, bei dem ich „für den Rest des Lebens versumpfen“ möchte, wie weiland der Bierpapst Ralf-Gunther von Berg.
Sunday, October 8, 2017

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
How: Draught.
Where: SMÖF 2015.
Appearance: Amber colour with an off-white head.
Aroma: Caramel, malt.
Body: Medium body and carbonation.
Flavour: Roasted malt, caramel, bread.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Cask at SMÖF15. Brownish amber with coarse beige head. Aroma has toasty bread notes, light fruit, malt and grain. Taste is clean, malty, toasted, bread, biscuit and grass. Nice.
Monday, October 26, 2015

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Gravity keg @ SMÖF2015 : Slightly herbal aroma with a light nutty touch. Taste is rounded caramels, sweet with a herbal twist. Smooth mouthfeel and a nice brew.
Monday, October 26, 2015

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Hell
Ins Glas ergießt sich ein klares goldgelbes Bier mit schöner Schaumkrone. Geruch getreidig, leicht fruchtig. Geschmack sehr getreidig, malzig, grasig, leicht fruchtig.
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Hell
Many thanks for this bottle to Beerhunter111. Golden color with medium long lasting white head. Malty aroma with some spiciness.
Monday, June 9, 2014

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
On tap at the brewpub. Klares braunes bier mit schöner beigen Schaumkrone. Geruch rostmalzig würzig. Karamell. Geschmack röstmalzig schokoladig. Würzig. Leicht bitter.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Tap at Schwanen-Bräu Ebing, Dec. 2012: Bronzed golden. Fizzling off-white head. Hushed nose of toffee-glazed nuts and hints of papery malt, grape candy, chocolate pudding, hazelnut and peppery hops. Soft carbonation. Thinnish body. Dryly malty with dabs of toasted bread which leans toward cocoa and unsweetened chocolate. Some floral hops tease the palate but are shy to a fault. Fairly acidic as well, with cola and raisin notes. Finishes lifelessly malty, wet and colalike with a touch of caramelized sugar. Not much to this one...rather simple and watery with no malt depth to speak of. A poorly made dunkel.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
On tap at the brewery, 26/7/2013. Deep amber in colour with a slight white head and moderate carbonation. A sweetish, slightly fruity beer, with prominent, slightly bready, malts and a fairly soft finish. Fine.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
draft at Schwanen in Ebing. clear amber-cola body with a small off-white head, lasting retention. toasted bread crumbs, crackers and cereal sort-of nose. semi dry with a toasty finish, rough carb, noticeable huskiness and a lingering oily cola flavor. turns flabby and fizzy across the middle, then thinning late, becoming more noticeable and annoying as it warms, where I am also treated to a powdery dried yogurt smell. it’s a basic and below-average dunkel.
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Hell
Sorry for the german rating, but this is a lousy rating from my "newbie" time (2007-2009), and it’s not worth of being translated. I just added it for the statistics, and to complete my backlog!
Im Glas siehts ein bissl Weizen-typisch aus. Helle Bernsteinfarbe mit einer leichten Trübung. Der Antrunk geht leicht ins Süßliche, ein getreidiger Ton gesellt sich hinzu. Schmeckt im ersten Moment sehr eigenartig, aber man gewöhnt sich schnell daran, und ich muss sagen, es mundet wirklich! Der Nachgeschmack erinnert sehr an ein Zwickel. Spritzige Säuerlichkeit, gepaart mit einer leichten Süße. Wirklich sehr ausgewogen das Ganze. Es ist zwar ausgesprochen süffig, jedoch könnte das Bier nen Tick mehr Kohlensäure vertragen.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Hell
Getreidiger und etwas süßlicher Geruch. Im Start dann auch süßlich. Sehr süffiger Übergang ins feinherbe Mittelfeld. Hier kommen auch erste Malzsprenkel zum Vorschein, die sich im Abgang nochmal intensivieren. Sehr schönes Bier. Test vom 31.8.2008, Gebinde: Glasflasche
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Draught @ Schwanen-Brau Ebing, Ebing. Light beige head over a mahogny colored beer. Small dunkel maltyness and some apples in the aroma. Mild malty taste with a little sweetness. Almost no bitterness.
Friday, July 29, 2011

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
(draught at the brewpub) Clear, dark amber to brown colour with a mid-sized and slightly tanned foamy head. Toasty cara-malty aroma with a nutty touch and herbal hops. Slightly bitter flavour, light to medium bodied with a smooth mouthfeel. Slightly toasty and caramel-malty taste with nutty and herbal accents; almost dry bitter-sweet and rounded cara-malty and herbal hoppy finish. Fine and rounded Lager. 08.XI.10
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Ziemlich malziger, monoton ausgeprägter Antrunk mit deutlichen Schokoladennoten, die etwas ins Bittere gehen. Recht aromatisch und gleichzeitig süffig, der Spagat ist gelungen. Würzig, etwas herb, was die Würze unterstützt. Zum Ende kaum merklich hopfig, zum malzig-geprägten Rest passt die Intensität aber. 13/11/12/12//11
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Hell
Bottle: Golden, mid-sized, slowly collapsing white head with a little lace; grainy to pale-malty nose with an aromatic "woody" touch; drier bitter-sweet flavour, light bodied and soft; dry lingering malty-hoppy finish. Gutes fränkisches Bier...............
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Hell
(bottle) Clear, golden colour with a grey-ish medium-sized foamy head. Sweet grainy malty aroma with a delicately herbal and woody hoppy touch. Sweet-bitter flavour, light to medium bodied with a smooth and well-matured carbonation. Initially sweet malty taste with grainy spots, drying out towards the moderately bitter hoppy and slightly woody finish and aftertaste. Balanced and tasty brew. 23.XI.10
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Draught at the brewpub. The only beer brewed here. The color is dark amber and the head is creamy. The aroma has notes of caramel and malt. The flavour is sweet with notes of malt, caramel, light nuts and syrup, and the finish is dry with hints of citrus and straw.
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Draught @ Schwanen-Brau Ebing, Marktplatz 11, 96179 Ebing, Bavaria, Germany.
Clear medium brown amber color with a average, frothy, good lacing, mostly lasting, off-white head. Aroma is moderate malty, roasted, caramel, nutty. Flavor is moderate to heavy sweet and moderate to light light heavy bitter with a average to long duration, roasted, nutty, caramel. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft. [20100404]

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Bright golden-brown. Has a pleasing toasty aroma. Fresh bready notes, light toast, and maybe some sultanas and nuts as well. Fairly complex and refreshing take on a dunkel.
Monday, August 17, 2009

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Draft @ brewpub. Rich amber brown with thick beige head. The aroma is clean and bready. the palate is juicy with good carbonation. The crusty flavors are imparted by good hopping. Dry and nicely balanced.
Monday, August 17, 2009

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Draught@brewpub. Deep colour, small white head. Aroma is caramel malts, some earth and quite full o’ stuff. Flavour is sweet caramel malts along with wood and some slight earthyness. Rather sweet and fullbodied. Extremely pleasant.
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
Draught at the brewpub. Clear dark amber colour. Small tan head. The flavour is slightly roasted. Quite clean. A bit of soda note to it. Clean and well-balanced.
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
bottled, I do not know why (and I am very mush disappointed with that fact) the beer is not what I saw in the pub there in this charming little town in Germany (there I saw the dunkel the lads here are talking about) but this is a lager !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(, Unfortunatelly then-2 days ago I was the designated driver and didn’t taste a sip. Coming back to rating...It is quite good though, very nice fresh malt and alc note both in aroma and taste, It is very fresh you can feel it very clear. Probably not older than 2-3 weeks
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
bottle. Clear golden-brown beer with a mid-sized head. Full-bodied, malty with some hints of roasetd malt and caramel, also with a hint of schnapps in the finish.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
On tap at Der Schwanen Brauhaus, Ebing, Frankonia. A red brown beer with big white head. Get into the countryside, get better beer, that was what I was told, so we did and this was a good start. Initially there were heavy, rich treacley notes with a bit of a smokiness in the malt (Rauch like?) and I did get a bit of smoked ham, woody flavours thrown in. The finish managed to get into the dry and bittering category, a very interesting beer.
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Schwanen-Bräu Ebing Vollbier Dunkel
On tap at the Brewery: Light amber coloured, thin foamy stable layer; slightly hoppy, slightly malty nose; soft, mild bitter taste, light bodied; light bitter, dry malty finish. O.K., nothing more.......
Earlier Rating: 8/31/2005 Total Score: 3.2
On tap at the brewery: Dark brown, full bodied malty brew with a dry, hoppy finish; low carbonation, very smooth. A pleasant franconian version of a "Dunkel".

Wednesday, June 7, 2006