The next beer might even be better.
B.C."H." = British Cask "Head" - to be perceived as some disparate lonely looking bubbles, uncertain of their CO² content, and because of their scarcity, of undefinable colour.
Unspeakable Floating Obscenities
NO, that isn't it. That's mouthfeel, in civilized countries.
I hereby solemny propose a law to be instated by all beergeeks, -amateurs, -lovers, -tasters, - enthusiasts that forthwith the use of the infernal spice, known as coriander, is forbidden for at least the five first years of brewing, and later only to be tolerated by explicit consent of minimum five different accredited beerorganisations. Infringements ought to be sanctioned by denouncement to the international beerpress and public drainpour of the offending brew.
Last seen Jan 12 2025
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The next beer might even be better.
B.C."H." = British Cask "Head" - to be perceived as some disparate lonely looking bubbles, uncertain of their CO² content, and because of their scarcity, of undefinable colour.
Unspeakable Floating Obscenities
NO, that isn't it. That's mouthfeel, in civilized countries.
I hereby solemny propose a law to be instated by all beergeeks, -amateurs, -lovers, -tasters, - enthusiasts...
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