RATINGS: 97   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.92/5   EST. CALORIES: 262   ABV: 8.75%
Grains: Pilsner Malt, Roasted Wheat, Briess Flaked Barley, Weyerman Caramel Malt, Weyerman Melanoiden Malt, Special B, Debittered Black Malt
Hops: Amarillo, First Gold, German Tettnanger,
Fun Stuff We Threw in the Boil: Caramelized Raisins, Sweet Orange Peel, Buckwheat Honey, Fresh Organic Rosemary, 4 Hour Boil
Original Gravity : 1.077
Terminal Gravity: 1.010

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brokensail (21480) - San Diego, California, USA - NOV 11, 2014
Bottle @ Hotel. Thanks, Alex. Black pour with only mild carbonation and a khaki head that doesn’t last long. Sort of a musty, oxidized nose. A lot of soy sauce and herbs. Licorice, some cocoa powder, and chocolate syrup. The flavor is a touch ashy and is fairly roasty. A really heavy dose of soy sauce and old herbs makes this sort of weirdly savory. A lot of old milk chocolate. Some caramel and grass. Just kind of stale.

padrefan98 (854) - (San Diego) Santee, California, USA - JAN 20, 2009
Bottle shared at the Woodshop Quad. Flavors of caramel and sweet fruits. Very good and thanks to who ever donated this bottle.

AgentSteve (1648) - SF Bay Area, California, USA - JAN 19, 2009
Pours golden orange with a decent off white head. Nose is sweet citrus fruit, yeast and caramel. Quite interesting.

wetherel (6463) - Cupertino, California, USA - JAN 19, 2009
750mL bottle at Woodshop Quad. Amber color. Lightly sweet. Easy to drink. Excellent. Surprized at how well this has kept.

WeeHeavySD (3488) - Portland, Oregon, USA - JAN 18, 2009
Bottle at Woodshop Quad! Pours orange with a bright white ring. Nose is sweet and tart. Taste is sweet , rich and malty, great!

jarspag (601) - San Francisco, California, USA - JAN 18, 2009
Thanks to Chris! Caramel, spice, citrus, soft malts, fruits, some sweets...age is apparent. Badass beer...for which I’ll probably never get to try again

Odeed (1812) - Bakersfield, California, USA - JAN 18, 2009
(sample from chis c.)ruby red with a light brown head.malty body with apples and spices.its held up well..

ogglethorp (919) - Ohio, USA - SEP 12, 2008
Bottle shared at Cleveland tasting. Pours a cloudy brown color with a decent beige colored head. Aroma is caramel, light citrus, yeast. Flavor is spicy, orange, malt, raisin, I get this spice, however not the rosemary it says was in the boil. Palate is smooth, medium bodied, medium carbonation, finsihed spicy and a tad warming, with a touch of tartness. Nice!

fiver29 (1112) - Cleveland, Ohio, USA - AUG 23, 2008
Tasted at Cleveland tasting on 8-23-08. Thanks!! Bottle pours a dark brown color with off white head. I surprised this was a saison. Considering its been aging a while this may be normal. Has a nice sweet aroma consisting of sweet malt and some slight citrus. Taste is smooth tart flavors, but it isn’t really tart. Sweetness and some spice on the finish round out this brew. I was pleasantly surprised by this brew. Overall it was a nice aged brew.

goldtwins (4319) - Nesconset, New York, USA - FEB 18, 2008
Dr. Bill’s tasting. Poured a hazy light brown color with a thin off-white head. Sweet aroma with a mild tartness and light oxidation to the malt. Some notes of cola and spice. Mild alcohol. The flavor had a mildly sweet start with a long spicy finish. The flavor dried out quickly. Medium body with alcohol warmth.

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