Formerly brewed at Geary Brewing Co
Style: Brown Ale
Portland, Maine USA


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RATINGS: 115   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.18/5   SEASONAL: Autumn   EST. CALORIES: 174   ABV: 5.8%
Geary’s Autumn Ale is a faithful interpretation of the classic brown ales of Great Britain. With a deep auburn color and a subtle nut-like flavor, Geary’s Autumn Ale is the perfect choice as the seasons change. Ingredients: Two row English malt (clarity, crystal, chocolate and wheat); Cascade, Golding & Fuggle hops.

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JPDIPSO (6618) - Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA - JAN 29, 2017
Dark copper colored body with a taller dark beige head. Creamy aromas, with toasted malt, milk toffee, peanut brittle and toasted bread. Sweet milky start. Flat feel. Some toasted nuts and wood. Light fruit and earth in the finish and linger. 2/13

Tessic (2162) - Brantford, Ontario, CANADA - JAN 10, 2017
This ale poured a deep amber colour with a tan coloured, foamy hard. Minimal lacing. Scents include ripe fruit, apple cider and a little paint? First swig had rich malty flavours and a slight tinge of that paint flavour that wasn't bad, just different. Finish was medium bitter with those malty flavours lingering. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

asheft (3161) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - SEP 10, 2015
Bottle. Sweet brown sugar aroma with earthy hops and nutty accents. Faint citrus and litchi fruit notes. Clear mahogany under a persistent beige blanket. Sweet nutty brown sugar malt flavour up front, then a medium bitterness, along with walnuts, and then a lightly toasty, dry finish. Medium light body, medium carbonation, almost crisp.

trapped (7555) - New York, TURKEY - OCT 29, 2014
Draught. Clear reddish brown with small beige spongy head, nuts aroma, sweetish nutty taste,thin body, low carbonation, abrupt finish with an astringent aftertaste. Not my favorite beer.

ChadPolenz (1847) - Lakeland, Florida, USA - OCT 14, 2014
It seems like a lot of American breweries are abandoning the traditional Brown Ale, which is a shame, because it’s a great style when done right. Geary’s Autumn Ale is, for the most part, brewed in the traditional English way (though I think that’s true of most of their beers). I do detect some American character as far as hops go, which is interesting. For a “standard” beer in more ways than one, this it as least satisfying.

I poured a 12oz bottle into a nonic pint glass. There was no freshness date and it cost $2.65 ($0.22 per ounce).

Appearance: Beautiful mahogany hue, transparent with spastic carbonation visible. Pours to an average-sized, off-white, foamy head which retains and laces well.

Smell: Sweet malty nose with significant floral component.

Taste: Brown Ales are often malt bombs, though Geary’s Autumn Ale seems to opt for balance. There is a strong malt presence here that cannot be ignored, that’s for sure. Light notes of toffee and a general nutty character are noticeable right away. There’s also some flowery hops, maybe even a bit citrusy – which isn’t a quality often found in English brown ales. Some crisp bitterness at the apex with a hint of chocolate on the finish. I also detect some kind of astringency and a tanginess in the aftertaste, which seems out of place, but is easily ignored for the most part. Regardless, it’s at the very least decent.

Drinkability: The palette to this beer may not be extremely complex and flavorful, but getting through a glass of Geary’s Autumn Ale is at least easy. The mouthfeel is rather thin, very crisp and well carbonated, and goes down smooth. At 5.8% ABV it feels like a much lighter brew than it is, though it’d probably be an ideal choice to pair with a meal so as not to overwhelm the palate (or the drinker).

mansquito (17112) - Nueva York, New York, USA - SEP 16, 2014
New Beer Distributors, NYC bottle ($1.75): Pours mahogany with a light beige head. Aroma is carmel, some fruit, nuts. Taste is sweet. Quite malty. Not overly sweet or heavy though. Not bad for a brown ale. Minimal bitterness, some earth.

Bulk_Carrier (6064) - Vermont, USA - JAN 22, 2014
Reviewed from notes. She pours a nice brown colored body with a decent sized foamy off-white head that gave some nice clingy lacing. The aroma has a nice nutty caramel maltiness with a decent balance of subdued hops. The taste is mainly sweet with some balance as it warms. On the palate, she sits about a light to medium, comes across fairly sessionable, dry and bitter aftertaste and finish. Overall, hmmm...when I lived in Maine, I would have this every Autumn as this is my go-to Autumn brown ale, maybe not a standout, but can be found anywhere in Maine. Hats off to Geary’s for a memory.

malrubius (3502) - Springfield, Vermont, USA - JAN 3, 2014
Bottle from Peaks Island wedding. Brown with lasting tan head and lace. Caramel nutty toasty aroma with hints of fruit. Toasted caramel chocolate nuts hints of tart fruit and cherry jam and some earthy woody hops. Nice smooth medium body and carbo. Nothing really wrong with it. Does anybody actually drink brown ales by choice?

eelbasher (285) - New Jersey, USA - DEC 15, 2013
Pours medium brown with a small tan head. Light fruit, toast, and some coffe in the aroma. The flavor is light roast, chocolate, earthy hops, and a nice clean finish. Some dark fruit also shows. Decent

Nero55 (1016) - Nevada, USA - NOV 29, 2013
Bottle. Brown with small tan head. Aroma of roasted malt, malt sweetness, and molasses. Light body with some caramel notes.

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