RATINGS: 115   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.12/5   EST. CALORIES: 165   ABV: 5.5%
Arcadia ESB is an English Extra Special Bitter. Is deep copper in color with ruby undertones. The full-bodied, caramelly, toasted malt character finishes slightly sweet and is balanced by a solid hop bitterness. Tettnang finishing hops provide a complimentary candied hop aroma and flavor.

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Voodoo (907) - Pennsylvania, USA - AUG 13, 2015
Pours a deep chestnut brown with an energetic head which lingered a bit......aroma of sweetness, fruity malt.......taste is dry, touch of fruit, approaching sour. Not tasting like an ESB at all.

Bulk_Carrier (6064) - Vermont, USA - AUG 28, 2014
Thanks Ryan. This was poured into a pint glass. The appearance had a semi - clear but decently caramel color with a one finger white foamy head that dissipated within about a minute. There was some light lacing sticking around the sides of the glass. The smell had a nice blend of sweet caramel malts mixing with a fairly decent earthy / English crisp like atmospheric bittered malts. The taste took those flavors and added an element of nuttiness strolling into the flavoring nicely. On the palate, this one sat about a light to medium on the body with a fairly decent sessionability about it. The carbonation was good for the style and for me as it left a decent creamy massage rolling over my tongue. Overall, I say this was a pretty good offering from Arcadia, makes me miss Michigan but as long as I know the fine gentleman who brought me this I will continue to be grateful for this friendship.

alexsdad06 (17991) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - JUN 7, 2014
Bottle from very old backlog notes (late 06/early 07). Pours a dark amber color with medium sized off white head. The aroma and flavor had caramel malts, a mild floral hop character, light citrus, grass, toasted bread . Lighter body, not very hoppy, but sessionable.

Jethro6191 (508) - Indiana, USA - AUG 16, 2013
Pours a cloudy caramel with a thin off-white head. Some lacing. Fruity aroma. Malt, caramel, toffee, orange pith, and fruity flavors. Picking up a bit of astringency. The finish is fairly dry. Not a bad beer but a little bit different than most of the ESB’s I’ve tried.

JaBier (14332) - Capital City, Ohio, USA - MAY 25, 2013
Sample at the brewpub on 3/29/13. Clear amber pour with a thick white head. Malty nose with light fruit notes and earthy hops. Malty flavor with some citrus before a grassy hop finish.

Mittenator (1612) - Michigan, USA - FEB 26, 2013
Draft at Arcadia. Light hoppy aroma. Slightly bitter, hoppy and pithy. Kind of bland.

fsquirrel29 (92) - Michigan, USA - MAY 18, 2012
Fullers ESB is one of my favorite beers, so i decided to try another kind of ESB. Arcadia is not a bad ESB, but it is far from a Fullers. This might be just a bit too hoppy for me. I tend to lean towards the bitterness from the roasted malts instead of the bitter hops. Overly hoppy beers tend to be too flowery/perfumey for my tastes. This is a nice beer, bust not one of my favorites.

michael-pollack (4959) - King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, USA - MAR 3, 2012
Draught at TJ’s: Aroma of malt, slight caramel, and kinda general ESB. Poured copper/amber in color with a small to medium-sized, creamy, off-white head that greatly diminished but lasted around the edges. Very slightly hazy. Not sparkling. Flavor is lightly sweet and slightly bitter. Tastes of malt, hops, slight caramel, and a hint of dried leaves. Medium body. Dry texture. Average carbonation. Malt, slight caramel finish is lightly sweet, slightly bitter, and dry.

Thorpe429 (5032) - , Illinois, USA - FEB 16, 2011
Reviewed from notes. Pours a moderately dark copper color with an off white head and good lacing. Nose brings caramel malt and a decent dose of citrus and herbal hops. Slight bitterness. Taste is a bit more restrained with nothing really standing out. Feel is relatively light with good carbonation. Drinks quite well and was a nice find. Serving type: on-tap Reviewed on: 10-12-2010

wmubronco1992 (709) - Coldwater, Michigan, USA - NOV 26, 2010
Draft at the bewpub. Pours a dark golden. Small white head. Some lacing. Mild grassy aroma. A little bit of caramel in the flavor. Bitter, but not overly so. Very crisp and clean. Very sessionable beer. Was only called ESB at the brewpub. Since no other ESB’s on the list I will make assumption I am rating the same beer.

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