Serve in Dimpled mug, Stein


on tap


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RATINGS: 160   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.38/5   SEASONAL: Summer   EST. CALORIES: 165   ABV: 5.5%
This wonderful beer has a deep golden hue and a smooth malty flavor with a clean pleasant finish. Imported German malts are used to create the flavor of this festive beer. Available May through July.

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wlajwl (12726) - Quad Cities, Iowa, USA - APR 18, 2017
Aroma and flavor is grainy malts, mild caramel, a bit of sweetness in the middle and a slightly tart/mostly smooth finish.

TXBadger (2811) - Dallas, Texas, USA - APR 14, 2015
Reviewed from notes: pours a orange like amber color with off-white head. Caramel and roasted malts all over the nose; follows onto the palate. Finishes with malty goodness.

Wisco1987 (4) - - JUL 10, 2013 does not count
This beer has unique history. It was originally brewed in honor of Joe Kuehn who had recently died in a plane accident while on his way fishing in Canada. Joe built Plastic Ingenuity from the ground up and he also kept Capital Brewery afloat in the early years. He was a great supporter of local brewery’s.

jebbers (15) - Cottage Grove, Minnesota, USA - OCT 15, 2012
Great color and aroma, nice finish. Drank it out of a bottle, so I can’t comment on th e color and head.

wickster (85) - fort wayne, Indiana, USA - MAR 12, 2012
12 oz bottle...this would be from last year, so I’m guessing this has been sitting a while. It’s an ok beer....not one of the better Marzen’s in my opinion, but certainly not a bad tasting beer.

burg326 (5872) - Florida, USA - NOV 19, 2011
12ounce bottle that purs an amber orange color with minimal white head. Aromas of malt, caramel, and a touch of grass. Flavor is the same with a touch of banana at the end. Enteresting bet for a summer seasonal, would have expected this to be an autum/fall release.

BVery (13631) - Plymouth, Minnesota, USA - NOV 8, 2011
Bottle. Slightly hazy light orange pour with a thinner white head. Aroma and taste of caramel malt, banana, and yeast. Pretty darn good. Strange style for a summer seasonal but really, who cares.

Palidor19 (3338) - Brandon, Florida, USA - SEP 21, 2011
I’m not getting anything special. malts are rich enough, hops are too grassy for this style. not enough character.

Drake (21771) - Appleton, Wisconsin, USA - AUG 31, 2011
12 ounce bottle from Steve’s Mineral Point in Madison. Pours a clear amber with a thin white head. Decent head retention and lacing. Aroma of caramel and toasted malts. The taste is caramel, grain, grassy hops banana and other faint fruits. Medium bodied.

nick76 (4705) - Tampa, Florida, USA - AUG 25, 2011
The aroma is nothing special with adjuncts, dust, grass, and cardboard. The appearance is light amber with a nice head. The taste is better than the aroma with lots of malt and a bit of toffee in the finish. The palate is average. Overall a good beer.

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