RATINGS: 2646   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.19/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 168   ABV: 5.6%
Bold and rich, with a touch of holiday spice. The first thing one notices about a Samuel Adams® Winter Lager is the deep ruby color. Then comes the magical aroma which promises something special on the tongue. The cinnamon, ginger, and hint of citrus from the orange peel blend with the roasty sweetness of the malts to deliver a warming, spicy flavor. On the palate Samuel Adams Winter Lager is rich and full bodied, robust and warming, a wonderful way to enjoy the cold evenings that come with the season.

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maupie (4233) - Roosendaal, NETHERLANDS - MAY 16, 2024
UPDATED: MAY 16, 2024 35.5cl fles. Helder amber kleur, fijne romige creme, stabiel, tijdelijk en niet klevend. De geur is mout en pruimen. Smaak is zoet, karamel, pruimen en citrus. Medium body en veel koolzuur.

one51 (2117) - - DEC 30, 2023
UPDATED: DEC 30, 2023 Drunk at Peggy and Pete's in Kentucky. Reddish with a small head, spicy malty nose. Definitely some wintery spices in there, cinnamon and such. Pretty sweet dark caramel flavor, moderate hops, big body, a bit one dimensional but rather tasty.

dflb (635) - California, USA - DEC 11, 2023
UPDATED: DEC 11, 2023 Purchased at Gerrard’s Market from Redlands, California for $3.49, Winter Lager is brewed with cinnamon, ginger, and orange peel crafted by Samuel Adams from Boston, Massachusetts. The air yields caramel, cinnamon, and dark fruit upon the nose. The appearance is garnet that pours a low white head that dissipates gradually with a minimal circular retention left and similar lacing. When held up to light, the color changes to an orange amber, and reveals a clear body. The alcohol content is 5.6%. Caramel is slightly rich, malty to the touch, and deepened by roasted malt. Pale male imbues a biscuit tone to the caramel and roasted malt tandem. Cinnamon softly spices the take, and textures the malty comprehension along with a pepper tinge from ginger. Lager yeast smoothens the drink, blending with the malty composition. Orange peel subtly bitters the take, and flavors the yeasty, caramel, and biscuit combination. Brown sugar imparts a complimentary toffee hue to the lager yeast and caramel and pale malt mixture, and sweetens the beverage. Prunes are easily picked out during the relatively dry, caramel, and yeasty finish. Winter Lager is gorgeous. Caramel, roasted, and pale malts, cinnamon, ginger, lager yeast, orange peel, brown sugar, and prunes combines into a delectable craft beer. Lager yeast smoothens the drink as the take is spiced by cinnamon and ginger along with a bitterness from orange peel. Caramel, roasted, and pale malts, cinnamon, toffee like brown sugar, and orange peel colors the complexion, followed by prunes. The malty composition slightly weighs the body, which is accented by cinnamon and ginger. Caramel and roasted malts, cinnamon, ginger, lager yeast, and prunes remain during the relatively dry finish, ensued by toffee as the finish wanes. I loved each drink, and enjoyed the additions of orange peel, cinnamon, and ginger to this winter lager. Cheers. Prost. Drink for the love of beer. For more beer reviews, visit and follow my blog “Drink for the Love of Beer.”

Stuu666 (28752) - Edinburgh, SCOTLAND - NOV 24, 2023
UPDATED: NOV 24, 2023 Bottle at home. Pours clear amber, nose is caramel, bready, floral, taste is zesty lemon, sweet, grassy.

mrf33n3y (761) - New York, USA - AUG 23, 2023
UPDATED: AUG 23, 2023 Old Untappd checkin, December 24, 2015. Pours a medium amber with a large, frothy tan head. Big malty body, notes of dried fruit, caramel, and bread.

Arbitrage411 (358) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - MAR 19, 2023
UPDATED: MAR 19, 2023 The winter lager shows a clear copper tone brew with a beige, legitimate head of foam and some lacing. A fruity nose. Dried fruit, dry taste on first sips. Flavors of nutmeg, burnt cinnamon, ginger. Non bitter. Seems to have an agreeable mouthfeel with the balance of the chill liquid alongside a warming ABV. Carbonation follows through. Smooth semi-dry finish.

OminouSC2 (4258) - Mora, SWEDEN - NOV 9, 2022
UPDATED: NOV 9, 2022 Amber color, small beige head. Aromas of malt, caramel, bread, sugar and dried fruit. Taste of bread, nuts and caramel.

christiancastor (412) - Billdal, SWEDEN - DEC 24, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 24, 2021 Ett halvt finger snabbt skum, rödbrun. Lätt syrlig, lätt karamelldoft. Knäckig smak. En lätt pust beska

ccex (2345) - Lansing, Illinois, USA - DEC 18, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 18, 2021 12 oz bottle pours a clear copper red with tiny off-white head that fades quickly with just a trace of lacing. Aroma is bready with toffee, roasted malts plus prunes, and light spices. Taste is eventually bitter with spices coming out most in the finish. Body is medium with lively carbonation. This is an OK holiday beer, but I would soon get tired of it if I had to drink it every day.

explosivedog (13094) - New York, New York, USA - DEC 10, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 10, 2021 Bottle. Pours amber. Malty, biscuit, toffee, cinnamon, sulfur, plum. Medium body. Fine.

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