Short's Brewing Company Reviews

Short's Psychedelic Cat Grass
12 oz can. Smells of grapefruit pith and pine resin. Dark orange with a touch of haze. Tastes of grapefruit with a hint of orange and pine hints of malts come through that are quickly overcome by the hops. Finish is bitter. Good bitter IPA.
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Short's Imperial Aorta Ale
S: fresh hops toasted grain brown sugar A: pretty hazy brown body thinnish off-white head T: alcohol sweet throughout crisp end P: soft chocolate alpha acids alcohol warmth  O: balanced quite bitter good-to-sample 12 ounce can Trader Joe's (grocery): Royal Oak, Michigan purchased: 09-November-2023 us$3,00 sampled: 09-November-2023 before a Red Wings game in downtown Detroit, Michigan
Monday, May 27, 2024

Short's Pumpkincrusha
12 oz. can pours a hazy orange/brown color with small off-white head that vanishes quickly. Aroma has cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin, clove, and vanilla. The spices outweigh the pumpkin, which helps. Taste is on the sweet side. Medium body, lively carbonation, and a mouthfeel that is more syrupy than I'd like. I tried this novelty beer, canned ten months ago only because it was so cheap on a closeout special.
Monday, May 27, 2024

Short's S'more Stout
Deep dark brown coloured body with a nice, pretty small light brown head, only a centimetre tall above the 90 per cent opaque body (due to the darkness). Aroma of very roasted malts, vanilla, earth, nuts, rustic grains, chocolate and a good deal of alcohol here, too. Medium-bodied; Super bitter and roasty notes show at first along with some pungent oats and roasted coffee coupled with chocolate and some strong sugars, but even those don't seem to cover the strong bitterness and astringency that doesn't show any marshmallows, no graham crackers and only dark chocolate notes. Aftertaste is pungent, rich, bitter, very strong and showing the malts, bitter grain, strong chocolate and caramelised flavours, but the coffee and metallic astringency is still somehow strongest. Overall, not such a great s'more (sweet) stout - this shows as a dry or especially Export/Foreign Stout and even then, it's too bitter and one-dimensional. Sad, as I was expecting more from this brewery, but hopefully I can get more soon! I sampled this twelve ounce bottle, purchased from Beer Baron in Livonia, Michigan on 23-October-2022 for US$3,39 sampled at my house here in Washington on 17-April-2023 a few hours before leaving back to Michigan, in the morning.
Friday, May 17, 2024

Short's Thirst Mutilator
Perfectly clear, precisely water coloured body with no head at all, but a lot of bubbles as well, of course. Aroma of pure fresh lemons and especially limes here that seems fresh squeezed - nice, but no hop notes or anything else in the nose. Light-bodied; Just like water - surprise, surprise. Some funky, grassy and artificial lemon and lime flavours show at first with some dryness and a small amount of sugars that seem to come from the fruit, but I believe there really isn't any sugars at all. Aftertaste is dry, super easy-drinking and almost seemingly like a plain lime or lemon (theoretically a combination) La Croix Seltzer with no extra hops or anything else, but true to the name, it is refreshing! Overall, a much less complex and flavour drink than I was expecting, but not bad at all and great to sample while I got it in Michigan, but I tasted no hops or anything of significance. I sampled this twelve ounce can, purchased from Whole Foods in [downtown] Detroit, Michigan (Mack Avenue) on 29-September-2022 for US$8,99/six pack, packaged on 19-July-2022 and sampled at my house here in Washington on 27-March-2023.
Monday, May 13, 2024


Short's Psychedelic Cat Grass
12 oz. can pours a mostly clear deep orange with medium sized but lasting off-white head Aroma has pine resin, fresh grass, lemon, orange, and some caramel. Taste ends up bitter, with lots of different flavors drawing your attention. Body is medium with average carbonation. An excellent old-school IPA
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Short's Local's Amber
Pour from a 12oz can. Clear chestnut colored brew with fizzy head that quickly settles. Aroma of light toasted grain and floral hops. Taste is light toasted grain up front, floral hops, so sour notes; finish brings a modest hoppy surge with a bit more toast. Light body. Decent grain and hops presence, definitely has character. Interesting. From a Short's Local's variety pack.
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Short's Peachy Yum Yum
Very tart upfront.More pomegranate than peach.Very funky wild ale
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Short's Nitro Super Delicious Stout: Ultra-Creamy Irish Style Stout
Coffee, dark chocolate malt, and hay aroma. Black with nice brown head. Moderately sweet coffee, chocolate malt, and mildly bitter dry hay flavor. Okay body. Very nice.
Friday, March 29, 2024

Short's Nicie
Old Untappd checkin, June 23, 2016. I rated this 3.5 on Untappd but have no recollection of this beer otherwise.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Short's Pure Michigan Spring Hazy IPA
12 oz can. Pours a fully hazed yellow with a white head. Herbal, grassy hop aroma. Flavor is herbal hops, grassy, with touches of citrus and a moderate bitterness. It's okay, but not really what I'm looking for in a hazy IPA.
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Starcut Ciders Octorock
Completely random draft at Pour Taproom in Knoxville. Clear gold color with a thin white head. Aroma is fresh green apples and bubblegum. Flavor is pretty fantastic with apples and a pie-like sweetness and spice. Nice surprise.
Saturday, March 16, 2024

Starcut Ciders Pulsar
Draft at Brook's Kitchen & Tap in Oakbrook Terrace, IL. as a 5 oz. serving to a flight glass, showing a clear & bright, golden color, with a nice array of rising bubbles, a modest but fleeting layer of soft white froth to a bubbly ring, and light spots of lacing. The nose was apple, pear, subtle vinosity, and light sweetness. Close to medium bodied, with lively, seltzer-like effervescence, the taste was similar notes, with light tartness, tanginess, sweetness, and mild dryness to the finish. Tasty, standard faire.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Short's Melt My Brain
tap at 800degree pizza in Fort Wayne. THis was weird - a beer that drinks like a cocktail - not a fan
Sunday, March 10, 2024

Short's Pure Michigan Spring IPL

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Short's / Half Acre Freedom Of '78
Mostly clear copper and bronze coloured body with a thinnish, one to two centimetre tall off-white and deep tan head that stays afloat nicely over the slightly hazy glow. Aroma of fairly bitter and slightly nutty malt notes with a lot of grass and grain, with only a dash of sweetness, no alcohol and a deep stale note - mostly from the malts. Medium-bodied; Strong nutty and grainy, earthy malts hit at first with a very subdued hop bitterness that is nutty as well and showing an English or European influence with a deep flavour, just not a big pungent bitterness at all, and no real complexity. Aftertaste is pretty dry, without much at all going on, and only a touch of resinous sweetness on the end, but the deeper, herbal flavours do hit, but the grainy malt notes are strongest. Overall, a very East Coastie, older school IPA or even APA that shows a lot of nuts, a good deal of malt/grains, with little sweetness and not much complexity - not a bad beer, but not showing much of anything worthwhile to drink a lot of. I sampled this twelve ounce bottle, purchased from Beer Baron in Livonia, Michigan on 23-October-2022 for US$3,49 and sampled at my house here in Washington on 30-November-2022.
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Short's Sabrotage
Ever so slightly hazy golden coloured body with a faint ghostly white glow, all underneath a one to two centimetre tall just off-white head. Aroma of crisp, grassy and pretty bubble gummy scents come out at first from the fresh hops, with some noticeable malt aromas and a pleasant light tropically sweetness - robust and pungent in the nose. Light-bodied; Grassy and floral notes show at first with a pretty big fruit-based sweetness that hits right behind and gives this a nice balance without any pungent bitterness, but a smooth fruity characteristic. Aftertaste is dry, pretty clean and showing a soft soapy quality towards the end with a mellow malty finish, but the malt, hops, dryness and especially fruit notes all hit nicely together, with a great balance and good profile throughout. Overall, a nice fresh hopped IPA that blends the line on sub-styles and hits nicely across the spectrum, with some noticeable bitterness, but smooth fruit and sweetness and a complex dryness that stays on the palate in a good manner - great to try from my home state of Michigan! I sampled this twelve ounce bottle, purchased from Beer Baron in Livonia, Michigan on 23-October-2022 for US$2,99, sampled at my house here in Washington on 16-November-2022.
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Short's Batch 15,000
Can. Pours a clear gold with visible carbonation and a white head that dissipates quickly and completely. Aroma has funky tart papaya and a bit of marijuana with some grain and bread backing. Flavor has tart papaya and some earthy fruit with a bit of grain underlying.
Sunday, January 28, 2024

Short's Pure Michigan Winter Pils
Pours clear gold with a two finger white head. It has a grainy, kind of bready malt aroma. The flavor has the grainy, bready malt at the forefront with some mild, balancing hops. It’s medium bodied, a fuller beer than a typical pils. I can’t help but think of corn, but fortunately it’s not the strong, overly sweet corn flavor of a malt liquor. It’s alright.
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Short's Huma Lupa Licious
Backlog 8/2/2021: Can from Busch's. Pours a deep orange gold with a full finger of foam. Lots of pine and grapefruit on the nose. Caramel notes and more orange and grapefruit pith on the palate. Bitter finish with caramel, toasted bread, citrus pith and pine.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Short's Local's Light
Backlog 7/25/2021: Can from Busch's. Pours a clear straw gold with a finger of white foam that lingers. Sweet aromas, almost estery like a saison or Belgian pale ale. Banana and faint grain notes. Lingering sweetness on the palate. Clean and crisp with a banana cream pie thing at the end. I don't think this is very lager-like but it tastes good.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Short's Soft Parade
Backlog 7/17/2021: Can from Busch's. Pours a clear pink with a finger of rose colored head that dissipates pretty quickly. Raspberry and strawberry really dominate the nose. More of the same on the palate, berries throughout with some light medicinal, cough syrup character, but not too overbearing. Not as sweet as I expected thankfully.
Monday, January 22, 2024

Short's Lil' Huma
Backlog 7/16/2021: Can from Busch's. Pours a clear gold with a finger of white head that dissipates quickly. Floral and earthy aromas with a touch of citrus notes. More earthy, mineral water like notes on the palate with some faint grapefruit that comes out as it warms. Easy drinking, but definitely watery. Gets the job done and is an enjoyable low-carb offering.
Monday, January 22, 2024

Short's Sabrotage
Backlog 7/10/2021: Bottle from Livonia Liquor. Pours a clear gold with a finger of white fluffy foam that lingers. Nice lacing. Straightforward Sabro nose with coconut, coconut water and light citrus aromas on the nose. More of the same on the palate with coconut, citrus and a slight creamy durian note. Some pithy citrus on the finish. Enjoyable stuff. Light bodied, ABV hidden fairly well.
Monday, January 22, 2024

Short's Gemini
S: pineapple lactose light hops A: super chunky hazy golden body thin off-white head T: rich fruits apricots lactose P: big oats fruity slightly bitter O: interesting more fruity than dry not-an-ipa! 12 ounce can Taylor Party Store: Taylor, Michigan 11-November-2023  sampled: 08-December-2023 before seeing We Are Scientists at Union Stage US$10,99/six pack
Monday, January 22, 2024

Short's Sticky Icky Icky
Backlog 6/28/2021: Can from Livonia Liquor. Pours a clear amber with a finger of white foam that lingers. Nose is nice with lots of pine, dank and citrus aromas. Palate is more of the same, but feels a bit light-bodied. Flavors are as advertised.
Monday, January 22, 2024

Short's Pure Michigan Winter Pils
Can. Pours a clear pale yellow with a white head that dissipates slowly to the edges. Aroma has light grass and sweet grains with some straw and hay underlying. Flavor has a good amount of sweet grain and hay with a bit of straw and wet grass underlying.
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Short's Bourbon Huma-Lupa-Licious
s: honey rich malts alcohol a: nice crisp golden body thin off-white head t: strong syrup light bourbon dry oak p: apricots good balance no bitterness o: raisins sweet end missing a big bourbony/oaky component 65 cL bottle Taylor Party Store: Taylor, Michigan US$11,99 12-November-2023 sampled: 24-December-2023 8,3,8,3,14
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Short's Batch 12000
s: strong pomegranates (duh, but wow!) roasted malt alcohol a: ultra hazy dark brown body oily 5 cm tall head t: sweet pitted fruits roasted coffee deep chocolate finish p: rich throughout a bit of vanilla noticeably acidic (not tart) o: ultra-complex definition of sipper perfect for occasion (getting presents ready for three kids under the christmas tree!) 16 ounce can Beer Cooler: Southgate, Michigan 12-November-2023 US$12,9/four pack Canned: 29-January-2021 sampled: 24-December-2023 as Beer #24 (THE FINAL BEER!) of my 2023 Advent Calendar
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Short's Autumn Ale
Pours amber brown. It smells of caramel malt and lightly citrusy hops. The flavor is mildly to moderately bitter with caramel malt, citrus hops, and some lingering bitterness. Good.
Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Short's Switcheroo
This hazy brew smells of citrus and hop resin. The flavor is mildly bitter. Citrus hops and malty sweetness are there, but it’s on the watery and bland side, making for a mediocre beer that needs more going on.
Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Short's Juicy Tree
I think it’s about 9% abv now. This one smells strongly of evergreens. The flavor is very hoppy with spruce and berries. Mmm… Xmas trees. It turns out that yes, I do want to drink a Xmas tree. Sort of. It’s very good and is certainly unusual.
Friday, December 29, 2023

Short's Evil Urges
Pours deep amber brown with a lingering head. It smells of caramel malt and spicy yeast. The flavor is sweet and caramelly, too one note until it warmed some and the Belgian yeast character came out more. Alright.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Short's Pure Michigan Summer IPA
This one has a citrusy, hoppy aroma. It has that underwhelming session ipa malt profile that I’m not into. The hops are alright, moderately bitter at most. There’s citrus and it’s a bit herbal / spicy. Eh. Okay.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Short's Stellar Ale

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Short's Juicy Tree
Canned 10/04/23, drunk 12/23/23. Clear bronze-amber. Small, off-white head, modest retention. Nose is lots of blue spruce but rounded out with smoke malts and citrus and piney hops. Would think it would be too much to add these highly bitter adjuncts to already bitter, dry, resinous hops, bit it mostly works. Soft malts, no big toastiness, thankfully. Spice of all sorts. Juicy spruce, even. Dry, bitter, pleasantly so, finish. Shockingly balanced though you have to love conifer tips. Low on cranberry and juniper, thankfully. Good malt depth and attenuation. Wouldn't want to drink more than 8 or 10oz, but it's very well-done for what it is.
Saturday, December 23, 2023

Short's Pure Michigan Spring IPL
Pours gold with a one finger white head. It smells of resinous hops and mild malt. The flavor is moderately bitter with herbal, lightly piney hops and lightly bready malt. Pretty good.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Short's Power Of Love
Smells of raspberries and lemons. The flavor is tart and lightly sweet. The raspberries and lemons are pleasant and refreshing. I don’t smell or taste rosemary. It’s pretty good though.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Short's Ripple Effect
Pours a hazy orange with a small white head. It has a fruity aroma with peach and watermelon. The flavor is sweet and fruity with some mild tartness. I got more watermelon than peach but they’re both there with the malt. Easy drinking.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Short's Nicie
I’m guessing this is a reformulated version of the old Nicie Spicie. Abv and ibus have changed as well as the labeling. I certainly like this one more though I may have gotten a bad bottle/can way back when I had the old one. This beer has a pleasant citrusy, peppery aroma. The flavor is of orange and lemon, light malt that’s not too sweet, pepper, and coriander. The pepper is stronger than I expected but it works. Tasty.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Short's Soft Parade Shandy
Very crisp and clear bright pink coloured body with a large, almost perfectly white (with a tint of light pink) coloured head, about four centimetres tall and very microfoamed, but leaving an ugly lace on the sides. Aroma of light raspberries, a dash of lemons, some oranges and a light kick of candy, with some softer malt and wheat componenets. Medium-bodied; Quite strong and rich malts show at first with a stronger, jammy, fruity sweetness towards the end that has a lot of residual sugars, but is very easy-drinking thanks to the sweetness. Aftertaste is very clean, with the jam, sugars, fruits and caster sugar flavours at the front with a softer wheat and nuanced not of hay at the end, but this is fresh fruity and very sweet throughout. Overall, a very nice, super fruity, surprisingly rich and pungent beer that is easy-drinking yet fairly complex. Great to sample, especially as a Michigander, during summer from my trip last year with my wife and three kids to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan - get this now if you are in the state somewhere! I sampled this twelve ounce can, purchased from Super One Foods in Marquette, Michigan for US$1,67 as part of a mixed six pack, on 05-August-2021, packaged on 12-April-2021 and sampled at my house here in Washington on 25-July-2022.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Short's Thirst Mutilator
Shared 12 oz. can poured to a snifter, showing a fairly clear, almost colorless hue, with a nice array of rising bubbles that created a sparkling layer of effervescence on the surface. The nose was light lemon/lime with slight minerality. Ditto on the taste, with a light body and lively carbonation. A refreshing hydrator.
Friday, November 17, 2023

Short's Evil Urges
This dark ale poured a dark amber colour with a big, creamy, tan coloured head. Nice lacing. Scents include alcohol, ripe fruit, molasses and a hint of nail polish remover. First swig was smooth, creamy with a medium sweetness and a full body. Flavours of ripe fruit, warming alcohol, sweet roasted malt and toffee. Finish is lightly spicy with rich toasted malts heavily lingering.
Saturday, November 4, 2023

Short's Pure Michigan Winter Pils

Friday, November 3, 2023

Short's Good Humans
s: malty grapefruit piney a: deep brown body thin head t: rustic earthy light coffee p: bitter hops nutty toffee o: full-of-flavour thin-ish malt-forward 12 ounce bottle Beer Baron: Livonia, Michigan 23-October-2022 US$3,49 packaged: 28-January-2021 sampled: 01-November-2023
Friday, November 3, 2023

Short's Cerveza De Julie
s: limes light malts bread a: slightly hazy copper body mellow head t: yeastie crisp malts mellow hops (noticeable) p: easy-drinking slightly tart subdued o: good-for-summer soft throughout crisp 12 ounce bottle Beer Baron: Livonia, Michigan 23-October-2022 US$1,99 bottled: 07-August-2020 sampled: 12-October-2023 on Red Wings season opener in my Red Wings Pint Glass
Saturday, October 14, 2023

Short's Haze-Zilla
Murky, cloudy medium orange body, medium dense cream head. Aroma sweet with melon, citrus, and berries. Body gummy and not particularly sweet with notes of pineapple, strawberry, melon, and papaya. Pleasant.
Monday, October 9, 2023

Short's Pure Michigan Spring IPL
Can. Pours a clear straw yellow with a white head that dissipates slowly to the edges. Aroma has a good amount of pine with some citrus rind and a hay backbone. Flavor has resinous pine, a bit of citrus rind and notes of straw and hay backing.
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Short's Pure Michigan Autumn IPA
Draft. Poured hazy golden color with an average frothy white head that lasted with very good lacing. Moderate to heavy complex balanced aroma. Medium to abundant body with a slick texture and soft carbonation. Moderate to heavy earthy bittersweet flavor with a moderate to heavy bittersweet finish of medium to long duration. This solid beer met my expectations.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023