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De Molen Vuur & Vlam (Fire & Flames)

Brewer: Brouwerij De Molen (Swinkels Family Brewers)
Style: IPA
Alcohol Content: 6.2%
Seasonal: No

Bottle: Unfiltered IPA-ish Strong Beer Ingredients currently (as per the bottle label 2016): Water, barley malts (pils, caramel), bitter hops (Cascade), dry hops (Amarillo, Columbus, Chinook, Citra), top-fermenting yeast Ingredients previously (according to jbrus when entering this beer in 2009): Bittering hops Galena; as late hops Chinook, Cascade, Simcoe and Amarillo; Dry hopping with Cascade; 42.6 EBU; OG 1058; FG 1012; 22.2 EBC

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