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Flossmoor Station CHAOS!!!

Brewer: Flossmoor Station Restaurant & Brewery
Style: IPA
Alcohol Content: 7.1%
Seasonal: No

This is a diversion from the American IPAs we have been putting out there. Actually, the inspiration for this beer comes from a west coast brewery that put out this insanely bitter, not very (hop) aromatic, light colored Belgian-style beer. This one was to be done at the Station! What we get is a light colored "IPA" that has most of the hops added at the beginning of the boil giving an intense and lingering bitterness. The flavor and aroma additions were small and gave a slight balance to the first hop addition. We have let the yeast do a lot of the talking with the additional flavors of this beer. As the name implies, CHAOS!!! was born into chaos, and has lived its short life in it since. From failed coolant pumps and rousing yeast to stalled fermentation and a very stubborn yeast, this beer has been a volatile handful. Delicious with an attitude. Give this one two sips before passing judgment, it may spill itself on you out of spite.

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